Need Leaf Help (Pics included)


Active Member
ok well I looked at my girls tonight to see how they are doing and I saw some thing that I dk what its caused by and I was hopeing that you guys could help me out, I am growing in soil, I am using 42w and 13w CFL lights fed them on Wed, there are a some brown spots on my leafs (2 diff leafs on 1 plant)

I am thinking it might be from lack of nutes



Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the pics, but i'm guessing too much ferts? This looks like it's caused by spraying a solution on the leaves tha burned them.


Active Member
It's hard to tell from the pics, but i'm guessing too much ferts? This looks like it's caused by spraying a solution on the leaves tha burned them.
I haven't sprayed them, gave them a 1/8 strength feed on wed and they are growing like crazy though the leafs are light green and not dark green and the food I gave them is 20-20-20 and it says 5ml of food for every 4L of water