need input


Active Member
i know some say cut off bottom fan leaves / branches that come off fan leaves and some dont but i did and i just want input on if you guys think these look good for first grow even tho one of em is like pure cross branches instead of fanleaves and other looks nakedon bottom ...and pre flowers should show up possibly soon if there 5 weeks into veg or no and can i bury them up to nodes i cut off


Well-Known Member
i know some say cut off bottom fan leaves / sugar as i call em and some dont but i did and i just want input on if you guys think these look good for first grow even tho one of em is like pure sugar leaves and other looks naked...pre flowers should show up possibly soon if there 5 weeks or no and can i bury them up to nodes i cut off
"Sugar leaves" refers to the small leaflets your mature buds, that are covered in trichomes, that you don't want to throw away because they are very good hash material. I think you are a tad confused concerning the definition of "sugar leaf".


Active Member
little branches that come off fan leaves lol .....idk but do they look good even tho i trimmed is all im wondering and can i bury em past the nodes i cut off


Well-Known Member
Obiousely it's not a good idea to remove fan leaves, a few ok, they are the factories of the plant, your plants look ok but 5 weeks flower? you should have seem some pistles by now I would think, pesonally I wouldn't bury them up to the nodes you cut off, you may rot the stem now that it's in flower stage.


dude i hit fan leaves throughout veg a little but wait till i switch to flower and go hard after the initial stretcth for me like 21 -28 days once flowers start showing.....then again like 3 weeks after yield increased like 20 high yield defoliation technique for a more thorough detailed thread....i know this is a great debate but im on my prolly 20th grow and wont ever do it different for now......good luck and enjoy the adventure of growing bro


Active Member
looked it up kinda what im doing but instead leave the branches that come off fan leaves and only snip the fans gotcha


Sector 5 Moderator
It's ok to remove the bottom branches; they are not going to produce much anyway, but as a rule leave the leaves; the plant worked hard to make them and it knows more about it's needs than you do. BTW, those are some beautiful plants. Very well done!