Need i flip flop


Well-Known Member
progressive growth garden supply, but they are expensive. If ya get one let me know. I really want to find out how it works. Hope it helps


Well-Known Member
Sorry. Thats the only place ive found. Have you heard of anywhere else that has them. I want to get one as well


stays relevant.
They ARE bad quality, and you can ask an electrician to build you one, must cheaper, much more reliable.


Well-Known Member
A flip flop is where you have one ballast and two hoods. The flip flop is on a timer and flips the current from one hood to the other without ever turning off. So your ballast runs 24/7. No spikes.


Well-Known Member
Got it. Thanks guys.

So a normal contactor/relay just with a 12/12 timer switch and then dual outputs.