Need help..

So the plant can be saved lol?? Sorry I'm new to this?(real noob) as these plants were given to me. My friend found them while doing landscape at a customer's house and they were just growing on the side
So the plant can be saved lol?? Sorry I'm new to this?(real noob) as these plants were given to me. My friend found them while doing landscape at a customer's house and they were just growing on the side
I mean you MIGHT have a chance but it would def effect your yield n stuff if it would live too finish out.

Just gotta ask this but did you have permission too take those plants from the customers house?
I mean you MIGHT have a chance but it would def effect your yield n stuff if it would live too finish out.

Just gotta ask this but did you have permission too take those plants from the customers house?
Lmao my friend works for a landscaping company and they were pulling them out to plant grass and flowers. The owner knew it was weed plants but didn't care as they were gonna get thrown out.
Lmao my friend works for a landscaping company and they were pulling them out to plant grass and flowers. The owner knew it was weed plants but didn't care as they were gonna get thrown out.
Lol ok just Checking. Don't take it personally I just don't condone stealing plants is all but if they we're willingly given too you then cool beans bro! Lol
MG, is more like an medicine for me, if I run in to and issue, I cant seem to work out, I add MG, a few pinches per 25 gallons and its like a stabilizer in a way. . . . .to grow with MG solely I have to agree its not the best solution.
I do the same thing. The leaves on my Deer Ate CP1 started to claw on me last week. I wasn't sure what was the problem, so I added a little of the blue stuff {Expert Gardener, Walmart store brand} to the mix {along with a shot of Epson salts}. Seemed to help.
Lol so i can't save it?
I'm not sure with out seeing what is going on. The others are looking better . Put that one in the shade and make sure it has a little bit of water. Sometimes when plants get over watered they get root rot and it's pretty much over.
Now that I see the whole story the root system probably got jacked up when they were pulled out. Are they just hemp plants or did the HO throw seeds out ?
Now that I see the whole story the root system probably got jacked up when they were pulled out. Are they just hemp plants or did the HO throw seeds out ?
The theory is that a guy who worked there recently got put in jail for growing so we think he threw the seeds in the dirt my friend's company uses to plant flowers etc.

And also the plants were dug up from under the roots with a shovel if that changes anything.
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The theory is that a guy who worked there recently got put in jail for growing so we think he threw the seeds in the dirt my friend's company uses to plant flowers etc.

And also the plants were dug up from under the roots with a shovel if that changes anything.
Ok so you have a chance .
Those are all google.....just drop it n stop tryin too act like a child. If it wasn't a copy n paste u woulda had them up a day ago.....
Someone's not gunna be happy u stealing their pics man....which one of your butt buddy's sent them too you?