Need help !


Hi guys so my plant started to become yellow only the bottom leaves i dont know why i do not use any fertiliser as i dont have money however i am planning on buying tomato one as its cheap :)

the NPK ratio of it is N:P:K 6:3:10.including seaweed do you think it will do its job ? I will send some pictures

Before it was healthy just got this after 2 days :P i will send 3 pictures of before it happend and after 2 days :)

Im really on planning to buy tomato feed as its cheap :P no laughing please not everyone have money to have fertilisers for 20 pounds :)



Staff member
yes see when you ask about problems on rollitup we expect answers of the specific nature,
best to give all your information about your plant and than we can help out

watering sech
type of soil
etc etc anything you say can be helpful to you with information

what isnt helpful is , heres a photo fix it, and i use soil dude.
see what i mean? :D


yes see when you ask about problems on rollitup we expect answers of the specific nature,
best to give all your information about your plant and than we can help out

watering sech
type of soil
etc etc anything you say can be helpful to you with information

what isnt helpful is , heres a photo fix it, and i use soil dude.
see what i mean? :D
i dont know i am using simple soil worm castings or anything thats what im saying . light cfl dual spectrum 125w , im just asking what could have gone wrong ? i dont really think it is soil as you can grow weed without nutrients and that. Just wondering if tomato fertiliser would help my little plant. PH i do not know dont have a idea i only have basics a grow to place , light soil and weed plant thats why iam wondering if its lack of pottasium and nitrogen as i saw simmilar pictures on internet and its said it is lack of those NPK . thats why im wondering if tomato fertiliser would be ok...


Well-Known Member
Looks like there's too much nutrients already.

A dose of tomato food will probably kill your cannabis plant.

Just guessing really


Looks like there's too much nutrients already.

A dose of tomato food will probably kill your cannabis plant.

Just guessing really
the thing is i am not using any nutrients :) on internet i read tomato fertilisers are good . My plant got boron deficiency which ic lack of potassium and nitrogen thats why im asking if tomato fertiliser will be good.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
A 1/6 dose of ferts will be just as effective in determining the fert level as a full dose. Even that cheap stuff from a dollar store will suffice.


A 1/6 dose of ferts will be just as effective in determining the fert level as a full dose. Even that cheap stuff from a dollar store will suffice.
thank you man ! ,you think there is still chance on my plant to reheal ?! also 1;6 ratio so for 700 ml i would use 100ml fert and rest is water :) ?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
ie; if the bottle says 1tsp per gallon it would be 1tsp to six gallons of water. Or if the fert is liquid and the label says one droplet per gallon it would be one droplet per six gallons etc. Best wishes:)


thank you man ! ,you think there is still chance on my plant to reheal ?! also 1;6 ratio so for 700 ml i would use 100ml fert and rest is water :) ?
I'm a first time grower. I'm in the flowering stage right now. I use pre-fertile organic soil. I also use organize nutrients That's fertilizer from botanicare brand. During the beginning stages from seedling to veg, (In your situation) nutes is nedded. Since your soil has (no added nutes), you need to give them nutrients. I used cal-mag, silica blast, pro grow, liquid karma, pro blend tea, superThrive (Walmart), etc. ( whatever botanicare advices) during the stage your plant is in. Each nutes has their purpose. If you choose to grow with botanicare, or any organic nutes this is what I have to say.

My advice use less than advised. (Portion 1/2 or less than botanicare advise you feed your plants). Pay very close attention to your babies. The second I saw discoloration in the fan leaves is when I cut back to basic spring or distilled water.

** in the case of dismay feed them ppm:0, pH6 (drinking water).

Also know as much as you can about the strain that your growing. Some strains can take nutes over-feed and others cannot. Mines are forgiving. Since your in the Seedling to veg stage, your NPK needs to be 2-1-1. Your nitrogen needs to be higher than your potassium and your phosphorus.

I've studied on the ways marijuana has grown to know that "tomato" cages come in useful to my grow. They grow similar in tomatoes but in production, varies in growth.

There is still a chance for your plant to re-heal but you have to act quickly. If your budget can get tomato nutes. (Do what you can, that your budget allows) from experience; (the little that I have,) go organic. It's an envestment, but worth it.

I base my feeding (3 plants) per gallon. It's safer to feed your babies per gallon (as a beginner). With that you can calculate your ppm and pH accurately. Basic advice: pH ~6.5, I chose 6.0 ( based on my strain). Ppm: start from ~100 or 200 per week and go up, based on growth cycle and nutes.

Based on your post, your plant is dying. Not from over- feeding but from lack there of.

Invest in fertilizer. My pick is organic. Most don't believe in flushing towards the end of the flowering cycle, Others do. I'll leave that to your speculation.

Your plant needs vegetation nutes (2-1-1 NPK), organic or not is your preference.


Hi i just bought this NPK 4-3-8. Should it be fine i heard that some people used tomorite and was good for their plants :) can i ask a question how much water and tomorite should i ad to 2L bottle ? :) says 20ml per Gallon (4.5L)



My best advice is since your plant is young, use less than prescribed. Use 1/4 advised and
Move up from there. Less is good and slowly move up from there. If conditions get worse, just water with distilled or spring water. Doing this allows your soil to "flush nutes". Then you can add accordingly.


My best advice is since your plant is young, use less than prescribed. Use 1/4 advised and
Move up from there. Less is good and slowly move up from there. If conditions get worse, just water with distilled or spring water. Doing this allows your soil to "flush nutes". Then you can add accordingly.
Cheers for the help , so there is a chance of my plant getting healthy again as before :)
she was looking like this before :/



Well-Known Member
You have a 125w CFL over about a 1 square foot area? A little excessive, wouldn't you say? A 40w would be more appropriate. Also be careful not to overwater. Looks more like a light or overwatering problem than nutes.