Need help


Active Member
I am using floranova bloom 1/2 teaspoon to half gallon of water. Using the nuts ever time i water. Also water ph is 7.5. Made up soil using bat guano, worm castings, perlite, vermiculite, and organic compost (Cow Manure).I am looking for Some ph down but the only place i could find it is in a swimming pool store. Is all ph up & down the same? Watering ever 3 days.


Well-Known Member
i'm not a soil expert, but if you're giving it nutes every time you water AND it is in soil which already has nutes, i would say you need to cut back on your ferts or you'll burn it baaaaaad.


Active Member
so what sould you say maybe every other time or is that to much. My water has a ph of 7.5. Is a .5 of a difference a big deal.


Well-Known Member
Yah maybe evey other time..... Your soil like johnnypotseed was saying already has nutes in it. Try every other time and if it continues to have the burns just keep giving it less nutes. And the ideal ph for a soil plant is 6. so your water is 1.5 over.