Need help

Funky granny

New Member
Been smokin bout 50 yrs am really ashamed this is my 1st attempt 4 serious grow. However, been studying 4 about month now, finally getting concept. I'm using closet 4X7 ft 8 ft high. There is sturdy shelving along 2 of walls which I plan on using.
First and most important issue to deal with is electric. I have a ceiling light with switch. What is the safest way to plug all the growin equipment. I am going to hire electrician tellin him I'm gonna use closet 4 home dialysis equip.
thanks much...more ?s comin but 1st things 1st


Well-Known Member
Just a semi-honest with the electrician you hire, tell him you want to grow tomatoes or lettuce during the winter months. He may have suggestions for powering the closet that would differ from a home dialysis setup. If someone hired me to run some extra circuits, I can tell you for sure my approach to a grow room would be different from an equipment closet.

Funky granny

New Member
Thanks for suggestion will keep in mind but I meant an actual dialysis set up. But whatever my story what kind of outlets do I need cause most of the setups I see got cords running all over the place. Which look absolutely dangerous to me. Thanks so much for reply cause I feel so alone out here.


Well-Known Member
If your intention is to run two 400w air-cooled hoods, you could include an inline/fan filter and all other electrical equipment with one dedicated circuit from the panel.

If you're not rewiring from panel, express that your dialysis kit will take approx 11 Amps at very max load, and have him do a load test on the existing circuit to see what is available, and let him do the math. If you're only running one 400w, you're going to be fine with just an outlet off that circuit, but still you need the electrician to test what loads are on the circuit, and if possible what that circuit feeds.


Funky granny

New Member
Thank u...I will digest that. ? Please. Since I need a vent out I'm having very quiet bath exhaust installed. What do u think about that.its the only thing I could come up with.(my dialysis pt smokes cigs and I can't tolerate smoke)(LOL) and w/ that exhaust I guess I still need inline fan? Sorry 4 maybe dumb ?s but this is hard 4 me. I've come a long way though since starting day I WILL post pretty pic...thanks again 4 any help

Funky granny

New Member
Getting closer to getting my grow closet put together. Had electric outlets installed and venting to roof. Ordered 2 pc flange kit for ceiling. Wondering what the 2 pcs for and how to install. It did not come with instructions...guess I'm supposed to know.

If anyone can give me an answer I would appreciate it....thanks


Well-Known Member
Hello! First off, I love your name, funky granny lol. Welcome to riu (rollitup)!!! There are tons of knowledgeable people here that are more than willing to help walk you through every process, and give you tips and tricks along the way. It really isn't as bad as it seems once you begin to get acquainted with everything.

You're already making a smart move by getting the electrical side of things sorted out first. It may look like a lot, but there actually isn't as much as you might think. Especially for a small grow setup that is meant for just one person, you will have a lot less cords/wires than a lot of the bigger commercial setups. You can probably get by with having just one 6 outlet surge protector.

As far as the wiring goes, if you are going to hire an electrician then he should be able to make sure that everything is safe. I would recommend either having him install a larger circuit breaker (only IF the one used for that closet is small or old-- I just installed a 20 amp and it works fine for my 1000 watt setup. Again, if you are growing for yourself a 400 watt would be more than enough. Another option you might consider, is asking the electrician if he can split the closet up onto two separate breakers-- often times easier said than done, however. But if your circuit breaker is rated for 20 amps (hell, even 15 probably) then I doubt you will run into any problems. I installed a 20 just to be safe.

As far as equipment goes: there are a few basics that you need to get familiar with. The main items used for most grows are:

Light-- includes your bulb, the hood (or reflective wing), and the ballast (think of it like an electric guitar amplifier, but for the light). The bulb screws into the hood, the hood plugs into the ballast, and the ballast plugs into the wall-- so you will have 1 chord from this that will need to be plugged up (the ballast).

Now, these lights can produce some heat, and so ventilation will definitely be required. Also, the plants will definitely smell...well, like weed, and ventilation (a fan and carbon filter combo) can also solve this problem. When people talk about "air cooled hoods" or "cool tubes", they are talking about a light enclosed within a hood, that has some type of fan pulling air through it. The air carries the heat out of the hood, and wherever you exhaust it to.

You can kill two birds with one stone (as far as ventilation is concerned) and have a fan that not only pulls air through a carbon filter (eliminating odor) but then also pulls that air through the hood, eliminating the heat from the light at the same time. Its very important that you have the heat under control if you want a nice crop. Here is an example of my ventilation-- keep in mind, I have an 1100 watt light, so my equipment will be a little bigger than yours:


The air is being pulled by a fan outside of the tent (exhaust fan). You will definitely need more than just the bathroom fan for exhaust, but again it will serve two purposes: eliminating heat and odor. In my picture, the air is being pulled in through the carbon filter (white thing), and then its pulled through the hood before leaving the grow area.

Enough light and proper ventilation are the two main things you will need for a nice grow, and so far you only have two things to plug in--the ballast (light) and an inline fan (Google it, there plenty to choose from. This is the type of fan needed to easily connect the duct work for your ventilation.)

Sorry if this post is really long, but a lot of times it can be hard to find all of the info you will need, and in an easy to understand form. You will probably need to add a couple more things, like a fan blowing on your plants (by making them "dance" in the wind, it strengthens the stems and they can hold bigger buds).

If you havr any more questions then keep 'em coming. There is still a lot more to cover once you get started, in order to grow some nice big beautiful buds, but none of that can happen til we get this grow room setup!

By the way, there are some nice full system setups out there, where you make one purchase and it comes with everything you need--lights, fans, advanced nutrients, hydroponic systems, etc).

I hope to see you around here in the near future posting pics of your beautiful ladies! I am a beginner on my ffirst grow, and this website has taught me a lot. Tons of useful information, and useless people ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I missed your post about the exhaust vent you had ran through the ceiling (great idea, by the way).

Those flanges are pretty easy to use (if its the kind im thinking of). Say you were going to run a 6" diameter duct up and through your ceiling, you would need to get in the attic (take the flange with you, lol) and then keep the wider, flat piece up, and point the round piece down and through the hole. Then you would go down into your grow room, and the round piece from the flange should be hanging through the hole.

Then all you do is connect your duct work to the part sticking down--it slides right over top of it. Then you can just tape it to the flange.

There are a few different ways to use them; the idea is for the flange to keep air from escaping your room, unless its going through the duct work. Personally I don't use them, I'm more of a "cut a hole, pull the duct work through, and stuff the gaps in the ceiling with insulation" kind of guy.