Need Help


Active Member
ok i have 4 plants flowering in the basement under a 1000watt hps light the temps at night are 58* and during the "day" it is getting up to about 100* i added more ventilation to the room but it only brought it down to about 85* and i added a heater for the night to bring the temps up to at least 60*all the plants are wilted what can i do to prevent them from dieing and regulate the temps more with out spending any more money. is there any way i can put the light on for 2hours and off for two hours and keep the cycle like that to flower???



Well-Known Member
Have you tried putting a fan in their to blow on the lights that usually helps thats what i did and my temp went from an average of 86 down to 76. So if you already have a fan doing that then i can't be of much more assistance, but i figured that might be of some use.


Active Member
well what about the plants wilting as bad as they are if i can straiten out the heat should they survive or is this one going to be a loss? :neutral:


Active Member
having it cooler is better 58 is too cold tho altho if you havnt already you should have had the lights running at night to keep it warmer and then during the day it would be cooler without the lights one of the problems ur lookin at rite now is possible hermies


Active Member
for the time of the light it is on 6pm-6am, it is winter here, they are all full started budding females so there should not be any chance for herm, i have a heater in the room now to bring the temps during there "night" to 65*


Well-Known Member
ok i have 4 plants flowering in the basement under a 1000watt hps light the temps at night are 58* and during the "day" it is getting up to about 100* i added more ventilation to the room but it only brought it down to about 85* and i added a heater for the night to bring the temps up to at least 60*all the plants are wilted what can i do to prevent them from dieing and regulate the temps more with out spending any more money. is there any way i can put the light on for 2hours and off for two hours and keep the cycle like that to flower???
Do not change lights to 2/2. That doesn't exist in nature and the plants won't know what to do. If you have the temps at 65f to 85f now that should be OK, not ideal tho. If they're still wilting consider other problems like watering.