Need Help


Active Member
Hey all;

im a first time grower using a hydro set up. Not too sure what to think about my 3 plants at the moment.
Their (first) bottom leaves are a little dark, twisted, and one plant has a crack and a brown spot. They are currently under a 1000 watt MH light, about 2 feet away. Temp(lights on 78, lights off 66) and humidity(40-50%) good.

Currently they are about 3-4 inches tall, and on 1/2 strength nutes being watered 2-3 times a day. I had scheduled to move them to full strength as of monday night. Roots of two plants have now reached the reservoir. Gradually introducing them to the nutes.

my res temp is about 72 deg, and my ph is around 5.5 to 6.0.( i have shitty cheap droplet ph tester)
I also have a fan on them currently 24/7 but i have since changed it to come on when the lights come on.

I have attached photos.

Any help is appreciated. Not sure if I should be worried or if i am worrying for nothing.
The strain is Bubblegum, seeds bought from



Active Member
They look good. Don't worry about that leaf being deformed, thats just mutation with the seedling leaves that happens, you shouldn't notice anymore mutation. Brown spots could be nut burn. They are still seedlings barely starting veg, you don't really need much nut at all, don't add anymore nut yet keep it at 1/2 strength...

Here is a PPM guide for your nuts you take the reading before you balance your ph.

Week 1 - PPM: 0
Week 2 - PPM: 0-300
Week 3 - PPM: 3-500
Week 4 - PPM: 5-700
Week 5 - PPM: 7-900
Week 6 - PPM: 9-1000
SWITCH TO 12/12 LIGHTING AND BLOOM NUTES (this is just an example you don't have to switch to 12/12 now)
Week 7 - PPM: 3-400 (note the drop after switching nutrients)
Week 8 - PPM: 4-500
Week 9 - PPM: 5-600
Week 10 - PPM: 6-700
Week 11 - PPM: 7-800
Week 12 - PPM: 8-900
Week 13 - PPM: 9-1000
Week 14 - PPM: 10-1100

Best thing you can do is just watch the plant, don't stress every little spot, smoke some good bud and wait till harvest.


Active Member
Thanks man that is good advice. I think i will smoke one.
Since it is my first grow i sit and worry about them. I want this to work out well.
I have a lot of light so i was thinking of setting up some more plants only this time in soil next to them.

Any tips for that??
