Need help....

My plant was doing great in veg but she went into flower I've been having a problem with leaves dying all over...they start going yellow than black and fall off. Looks really sick. Any help would be appreciated. Only fed small amounts of miracle gro during veg.



Well-Known Member
Have you been feeding anything after the MG in veg? If not, she is hungry. What nutes are you using, feed/water sched, ppm/ec, pH?

What is your environment like? Temps, RH? Are you in the AV, based on your user name?

That tomato plant right next to her looks pretty sick, possibly spider mites. Closely inspect undersides of damaged leaves for spider mites or evidence of their webbing. Tomato plants, if left untreated, can be magnets for spider mites and other pests. Those pests will migrate to your cannabis.
Have been having bug an organic spray from a nursery...seems to be working. No other nutes added yet....was going to start a yield up next water. It's been very hot and humid....southern Ontario. Don't have a ph tester....
I just gave her some bloom nutes.....I'll get back tomorrow if any changes...hopefully she's happier... I'm using future harvest yield up