Need help


Active Member
my plant is 3 weeks and 7 inches from where the soil begins to where the main stem was topped, the leaves that stretch above it put it rite at 11 inches, and the new nodes that are growing from the topping make the plant like 8 1/2 inches tall. I got a 3 gallon container inside a 3 1/2 foot cabinet when should I start the flowering stage or what should I do really? Im tryn to keep the plant on the hush hush.

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
im no expert but heres what id do.. let the plant grow to roughly half size of your grow cabinet.. then i would tie the plant down... this can give more yeald in a small space.

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
What you do is simple.. you take a piece of string and tie it to the top of your plant
GENTLY pull it down 10 to 15 degrees leave a weight on the string so the top of the plant remains at this angle.. wait a day or two bend it a bit more.. keep going untill tie top of the plant is in an entire loop and eventually tied to the bottom of the plant. What this does is make the plant stop growing from its head and start growing from all over the loop youve just created giving you more yeald, in a smaller space, have a read up on this subject.

Hope this helped :)