Need help!!


Seems to be burning not orange hairs and my light is so far away its weird is it just the hairs going orange cause it really looks like burn just need confirmation haha20200720_003557.jpg


Have you been touching them or accidentally hitting them with a SCROG net or something?! They may go orange/brown after you touch or brush against them! Give them a couple of days and should have some nice white pistils!
Yo thats most likely the reason hey, so you think theyl recover after getting used to the net? Or take net out and keep my dirty mittens out hahs


Well-Known Member
yeah, honestly I just went through the same thing I pulled them from the scrog (as carefully as I could possibly be lol) for a res change, and I dropped the net back down and it sat on some of my tops and I watched them brown. But going on day 3 now I believe and I don't notice to much brown.

Now my next project is going to be how to work away around this...... any suggestions would be helpful lol.

I was thinking of getting a shop vac???

conor c

Well-Known Member
Ec is electro conductivity you can get a ec meter to test your nutrient solution
And by too high a ec i mean in short your possibly over feeding what that particular strain your growing prefers as others say tho could possibly be from brushing against the plants too