need help, yellow leaves, purple tops


Active Member
my friend moved this plant a couple of weeks ago, and since then the leaves have yellowed, and some of the tops are turning purple. I'm pretty sure he has been over watering, and the plant went from partial shade, to full sun. to less then full sun. He has cut down on watering, is there anything else he should do? Thanks for your help



Active Member
I'm having a simaler problem with mine. I showed these pics to a friend and he thought it was nitrogen defficientcy. hash 004.jpghash 003.jpghash 005.jpg

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
vcmbl you are showing signs of sulfur def also/ if she starts to get pale green and almost two toned leaves then that is metals. I mention that because of the spots. Pissing at 1/10 will give you a form of N yes
I would flush that plant before she goes to much further _myself_ but I would flush her 3 times the pot size with Epsom salts or magnesium for plants---@ 1tbs to 1gal times the size of flush so a 15 gal flush will have 15 tbs of salt---as well as I would give it on the last 5 gal (btw you can give the first 10 gal regular ph balanaced) then add the salt to the last 5 running thru there saves money! ANd 1 oz of B-1 to every gallon or the last 5 gall of flush/
Your Pot should have at least 8 holes in the bottom of it should flush good---
So a 15 gal flush
first 10 regular ph balanced H20
last 5 with 5tbs of Epsom 5oz oz of B-1
1/2 strength all purpose fertilzer (water soluable) like MG at 1 tbs per gal so 5tbs NOT There Spoon a TBS!
That will get her all dialed in for the next few months--When a plant lives in a pot for longer then say 6 or 7 weeks there is a lit of its waste in the same pot it is eating in---so think about that when she is ready to Flower. I flush twice usually once at T-plant another before flower well I guess 3 times and at the end too. Very sweet tasting or clean like R.O water is too reg tap water on the flavor. Grow on Try-it.

BMl if you come and look over here you are going yellow as scheculed as those buds are using up the fan leaves as designed to feed her as she buds--Expect to see more of that Yellow---brown spots dry up and shrivel _ I think it is ok to remove those after at least 1/2 of the said fan leaf is used up or dead.


Active Member
how do i get liquid B-1? Also if my problem is over watering, will flushing do more harm? Thanks for everyone's reply's. One more question I'm heading to wally world to get some MG what number's for fert. am i looking for? I only ask cause they have like 8 different kinds of MG.