Need help with two plants.


Well-Known Member
OG Kush:
Looks and feels a bit dry, one of the lower leaves has a slightly burnt tip and some spotting, overall the plany looks great but droops a little.

Pineapple Express:
Not sure what this is but its only showing up on two leaves and some of the new growth from topping is growing in twisted looking..

Is it just me or do I have a problem, or is this just me over thinking about my plants ?


Well-Known Member
How close and what kind of lights you got going?
It looks like you might be cooking her.
Give us some details, watering habits, PH, you know......... The usual good info:wink:


Well-Known Member
Have been watering around every 4-5 days now unknown PH still waiting on my meter to get here I do mist them at night before they sleep, I think this is the last time I will mist because I just flipped it over to 12/12 tonight.


Well-Known Member
You could do with some more lights, and closer to the plants imo. 69watts isn't enough really...But it does rule out the lights burning your plants; which they are not.
imo ;)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same , it's my first grow, wanted to start small and learn what's going on before I pop my bank account for some real equipment.


Well-Known Member
Drooping and wrinkled, sounds like me fresh out of the bath, so I'm thinking over watered?