Need Help with Stealth Outdoor Grow

hey guys my plants are just sprouting they are in some woods behind my property my parents dont even know i smoke neighbors can see me go back there anyone have any ideas for making my grow op more stealthy?i know i should scatter the plants hide my equipment etc... but i want to make sure my hard work doesnt get busted :-? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I would suggest taking this season off and doing a ton of research. Just tossing things out there can get you into trouble. You have already said that neighbors can see you going out there so I would call that spot busted.

I personally haven't done a guerilla grow but I do know that before I take it on I will be as informed as possible and make sure to pick a spot that gets ZERO traffic.

Good luck man. I actually hope that you can figure out a way to get it done. Just be careful! :D


Well-Known Member
You cant have anyone seeing you going to your spot, neighbors will see you and "wonder" what your doing back there, not good, at all, esp because they know its you. You could just go there at night when noone can see you, not all that hard since it is in your backyard right?
there is zero traffic at the spot and the forest that surrounds it ive already done a shitton of research and i know the risks that it involves im not sure if the neighbors ever even look out from that side of the house i cant really go out at night becuase my parents are home unless i could sneak out but its not worth it


Active Member
i would start taking a machete and a shovel and tell them you are making a moutain bike trail (or whatever you want). that way they will just write it off everytime they see you going in.

but more so i agree with the other guy i would just forget it, spot doesn't sound too good.

you do know they are going to get really stinky in a few months? how much woods are we talking about?
im 16, i would tell them that but should i just tell them or wouldnt it be better to just say that if they asked? idunno how much woods, id say like 500 sq ft and they are pretty much in the middle of it


Active Member
If you have a dog, take it for a "walk". If not, go at night. Sit outside in as dark an area as possible for 5 - 10 minutes so your eyes adjust, then go slowly and quietly. Get a a green headlamp or flashlight and use it as sparingly as possible.
alright thanks for the tips guys, i have another problem my plants arent sprouting? i have them in party cups and planted them like a week ago