Need Help With Stealth-Micro Grow Outline

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
hey i wanna start off with saying i am 21 but i do live with my parents just until i pass collage in 2 more years so stealth is the number one prioriody (rather not succeed in growing and fuck it up some how then get caught)((again)) last time all my shit got taken so it was a waste of money so just putting out i need to cover all light leaks and noise.
next im making this a micro grow and in a small sized dresser, the dresser still has the drawers in it(only 2 becuz its a small sized one) i just wanted someone to help me by giving me a outline or idea with some example pictures on how to get the dresser into a stealth micro-grow space with the outside still looking like a normal dresser (im going to apply a padlock to the drawers becuz i told my parents im turning it into my safe kinda and putting my money and banking shit in it) they believe me becuz they no i always hide or keep my money safe but i dont no how to cut the drawers the right way without messing up the outer image so it still looks normal anyone with any tips or questions please comment on this thank you for your time

if its expensive, its worth smoking

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
BUMP...does anyone have any ideas how to make this a micro-grow but keep it extremely stealth? the measurements are:

the bottom drawer is 5" off the ground so if i cut or adjust the drawer so they're (fake) can use the extra 5" of height, because the dresser is a smaller type then normal its kind of height restrictive the height of the dresser from my bottom rug(not the drawer) (+5) is 21" to the top so its 21" of use able height and 15" of depth and 20" of use able width

heres some pictures of the dresser


Tha Dope man187

Active Member
i thought maybe cutting 80-90% of the drawer off and leave the first 20-10 % on the dresser (with locks so nobody would try to open it anyway)((im saying its the place im keeping my money and banking shit)(for covering it up)

i have 2 pictures i added animation to, to better explain a plan i thought of (not sure if it'll work)

the first is the picture of the empty dresser and the yellow lines outline what i was going to cut/eliminate the grey is where i will be cutting plastic grocery bags and putting on the sides, and floor( the dresser goes straight to the ground) so i need to protect the rug

the second is just to shaw what im cutting on the drawers



Well-Known Member
you could always cut all of the draw face off then screw a sheet of wood to them and hinge that at the side making them a big door. if you did it right they would look the same as they are now. also it would be worth putting some wood on the bottom to help seal it

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
thanks for posting but i have the idea of how to make it invissable i just need to like no how to cut the drawers properly

i cant use fans becuz it would make too mush noise
but for smell i was going to use dryer sheets hanging above the plants
or make a hole in the back of the dresser with no fan and make my own filter with coffee grounds, and dryer sheets,
but i think that would just make it worse
and i need to know how many bulbs will i need? for say 2-4 plants (there only going to grow very short)(LST is probly my main idea for that) ((dont need any more info about that)) by using 23-28watt cfls how many watts of cfls do i need for 2-4 plants from seed to harvest?
and im going all organic with no nutes but i dont no how to get soil into my room becuz i go to collage and my parents are home from work before im home so i have no way of hiding it.
im going to add wood or cardboard to the bottom of the dresser so its not directly on my rug and im going to add black garbage bags to the sides and bottom and roof with a coverr of some sort(foil,or white paper) white printing papers probly going to be what i chose becuz i have tons of it and its easyer to place on the garbage bags
i need to know how big does the pot have to b for the plants? each one? how do i calculate it?


Well-Known Member
Hey man just checkin out the thread.. youll be able to make somthing outa this for shure if your worried about hight go a lowrider strain like lowrider kush :) ill keep checkin back for updates

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
thanks and i hope i can too but im using bag seed cuz i have no other place to get seeds besides my friends but it ' ll probly be pretty good shit

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
ok to start off i snaped off both drawer sides, and bottom and back so its just the front becuz i realized id rather have mt parents try to open it and ask me why wont the drawers open instead of them opening it and seeing my grow.....
im going to add hings to it and soon a lock this is going to be a very slow start off becuz im a LIL short on cash(no really) but im saving up for a BUSINESS opportunity because im a experienced entrepreneur so i need money still to "invest" in my product which will give me money to start off my grow
but its still going to be a low budget grow with cfls, unknowen soil (maybe marical gro) if i cant get my hands on marical gro why cant i just use normal dirt? im going a organic grow too so no nutes and its more of a personal grow and for mostly the fun and expeirence weird story i alwasy wanted to grow weed since i was 9 years old:P i know im a ****'d kid lol so ill be happy as long that i get enough finished bud that would pay my light bulb fees, and seed costs and about 7 gs more for the time put in :) thats good enough for me, again mostly for fun but ill pot the ENTIRE layout once i finish the set up and ill keep undating with pictures for the daily process of completing the grow room set up (pictures in a few minutes need to screw in a few things)


your ramble of saying how this is to save money for a business opportunity followed by how its a personal grow doesn't seem to correlate well. Also why would you bother doing this in your parents' home if their is such a high risk? let alone the mention that you don't want to get caught, again.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
thanks for the post and becuz i want to grow sooooooo bad even if i get a baby plant and it dies ill be the happiest persin in the world weed is like my soul mate:) and i ment im trying to safe money andthis is sorta on the side so im going to be setting it up slow unless i find alot of usefull iitems in my house (besides bulbs/timer)


Well-Known Member
First off, I'm not going to advocate growing marijuana at your parent's house, but if you're willing to accept the risks than I'm not going to stop you. Don't jeopardize your education though, I'd rather be a wealthy man who buys his pot than a poor one who can barely finance growing his own.

That said.

I'd start by removing the drawer faces from the rest of the drawer and using a wood glue glue the faces to the dresser. From the back of the dresser I'd create a makeshift door. Go to the Home Depot and by some hinges so you can open and close it easily. Put the dresser on a piece of plastic (if possible glue a piece of plastic to the underside of the dresser too) so you can easily maneuver the dresser to get inside it.

Line the entire inside of the dresser in a thick film so no light can leak out. Make sure you also move the dresser as close to the window and as far away from any vents as possible.

That should be a good start.


Active Member
Look at my Stealth Inc. Post, should be right under this one. That's what I did with my friends over this weekend. If you have any specific questions, give me a shout.

Oh yeah, and don't grow at your parents.


They are really very cool, very wonderful
Great work .. really informative .. and thanks a lot for sharing ..
Glad it works as expected for you
looking good

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
thanks for posting and i tryed to update yesterday but my computer froze so here goes.....

this is wat i have completed

1. i screwed in the drawers so they dont move
2. i tore out the drawer sleeves that the drawer goes threw
3. i unstapled the back end of the dresser

TODAY i will be making the garbage / white paper covering and place it in the dresser
maybe creating a light base the outline for the light base i was going to create is just use wood from the drawers that i toke off
and screw in 3-5 pop cans cut so they will be reflectors and 3-5 cfls and using ceiling hooks i going to screw in hooks on the top
and use chains to adjust the height of the lights. then i just need soil and the timer and the pots then i should just need the seeds right?

if im not using nutes, or venting then it should work right? but would it be better to add a smalle hole and make a homemade filter with coffee grounds and dryer sheets will that destroy the plant or just the smell? will it even work? or is it better to not add it? (light leaks and odar is the only things i CANT have)\

i have pictures of my work in the process that i have done up until now

here they are...



Let us know how it goes! I'm in the same position too. Micro - Stealth Grow is where its at. Make sure to set up a Carbon Filter so the odor isn't bad

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
thanks for the comment:) and i will be either setting up a filter with no fan and dryer sheets or just dryer sheets and stuff like coffee grounds next to the plant to eliminate the smell of the plant once it is flowering and i thought about my plan and if i make it so the doors on the back then i have to lift up the dresser every single time i need to water/see/adjust the plant and with the lights only hanging on hooks they can fall and smash so im just going to add some hings on the one drawer face so its like a door but its not working very good:( any other ideas?

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
well im getting closer to my goal really slowly
i have a biology test tomorrow so i never got to do much but i DID install one garbage bag with white printing paper taped to the ONE side of the garbage bag and screwed only the top end into the empty dresser so i can add a ball-line link chain or what ever u call it the things they use for ceiling light fixtures so i can roll up the garbage bag and use the chain to hold it in place when im watering, adjusting, and maintaining the plant(s)
the last thing im going to do tonight is im going to add another garbage bag with white paper onto the back end of the dresser so there's no light leaks out of the back end im going to over lap the garbage bag by about 2-3 inches extra then tomorrow or later tonight i will add JUST white paper to the sides of the dresser (im not adding a garbage bag to the sides becuz the garbage bag was only for light leaks on the drawers and the cracks on the back end of the dresser) i might add an additional plain garbage bag to the front end becuz the way the dresser is made is with a inch of empty space between the drawers (odar big problem?)
my cameras taking to long and i got a hot date so i gotta get a little hig hand get ready :cool: :blsmoke: but ill be sure to post pictures tomorrow night thanks for posting and wishing me luck everyone :) hope u guys get some good smoke too(highly doubt mine will work