Need Help With Seedling Growth,

i have 9 plants 3 swiss cheese, 1 super skunk, 5 freebies (all from Nirvana)
they have been under 400w hps on 18/6 with fan blowing when lights on
for about 5 days now and they are maybe 1 1/2in. tall i know that this may be normal
but i wanted to see if there was any tips on how to give them a tiny boost..
i really do not want to use nutes as i have done this in the most diluted form i could
with my last two seedling batchs of Kush, Papaya, swiss cheese, and super skunk
=( wasted alot of good seeds.... Lol so if there is anything you can think of im all ears
well..... eyes hahahaha

trichlone fiend

New Member
...a seedling heating pad and a humidity dome. The young ones like it warm and humid.

... I wouldn't run that fan directly on the plants until they get several inches tall .

...I would keep that light about 3-4 feet away for a couple weeks.
ok i have the light about that hight if not more and i have the heat pad and hot house, i took them out cause of moisture stress, so im not sure if that will help =/ any thing else you think might help... i will take the fan off but should i still keep it on blowing away from plants to keep air circulation?


tap water with new soil has enough minerals in it to nute burn your plants alone, so adding additional nutes would b a Disaster..... if anything, yea put a dome on them and put them as close to the light as comfturble. most people puts there seedling under flouecents and have them inches form the tops... also increases node groth..... i hate when the stems are all long.
tap water with new soil has enough minerals in it to nute burn your plants alone, so adding additional nutes would b a Disaster..... if anything, yea put a dome on them and put them as close to the light as comfturble. most people puts there seedling under flouecents and have them inches form the tops... also increases node groth..... i hate when the stems are all long.
i know about tap water having trace amounts of chlorine and floride <--(not sure that is spelled right) so i let it sit for 24hrs before doing anything with it
and as i told Trichlone the dome was not working,
gave the plants moisture stress, droopy leaves and discoloration, im certain that was the issue cause as soon as took them out they stood straight up! :)

to be honest i think i was jus being impaitent about growth, today they are taller the first two leaves on all are actually growing cause they almost doubled in length over night, THANKS trichlone i pretty much had the setup the way you said all i did was take off the fann
and i think that may have had something to do with it


do not put a dome on seedlings, as it increases the humidity (obviously lol), and by that it just produces fungal diseases such as damping off, which will kill your babys :(