How large is the area your seeding? If it is small then by all means do it by hand, if you're doing a large area get someone with a machine to help you
work it up.
I seeded a 1.5 acre section of my yard to grass and it is allot of work if you have a big area.
Plan to start it in early spring or early fall. so there is dew, water in the early mornings. Some people say not to water freshly sown lawns in the evenings but I didnt have
a problem with mine if I did it in the evening.
If I were you, I would work it slightly and get some top soil brought in. Dress the top, make it level except leaving a grade away from any buildings
for drainage. Seed the lawn with a broadcast spreader for a nice even lawn and pack it with a roller so the seed doesn't blow away.
Don't let the seed dry out but also don't over water. After it is established and you have cut it a few times start to cut it as low as the lawn can
handle so it doesn't burn and die and do it often so that the roots stool out giving you a nice thick lawn.