Need help with PH an feeding supplys

I'm having trouble with leaves dying tips curling up and down on the same plant an not getting any tricomes on my leaves along with my buds smelling like hay. So I'm going to do things way different this winter... I've just got all new seeds from attitude seed bank and dont want these problems this time around. I need a list of equipment for testing and making my Ph perfect in my soil and water. And I could really use a good soil, I was gunna get fox farm.
I need a kick ass soil based fertilizer / food for making my plants bigger an more potent ? An anything else to get started the right way an not worry about having to go out an buy something else bc my plants are fucking up lol. Denafin white widow,northern lights blue auto, Barney farm blue cheese, delicious seeds cotton candy, and delicious seeds red rose, all these plants are start to sprouts as we speak, any help would be good for the list of PH. AN. Feed supplys? My lighting and air are up to code lol


Active Member
I'm having trouble with leaves dying tips curling up and down on the same plant an not getting any tricomes on my leaves along with my buds smelling like hay. So I'm going to do things way different this winter... I've just got all new seeds from attitude seed bank and dont want these problems this time around. I need a list of equipment for testing and making my Ph perfect in my soil and water. And I could really use a good soil, I was gunna get fox farm.
I need a kick ass soil based fertilizer / food for making my plants bigger an more potent ? An anything else to get started the right way an not worry about having to go out an buy something else bc my plants are fucking up lol. Denafin white widow,northern lights blue auto, Barney farm blue cheese, delicious seeds cotton candy, and delicious seeds red rose, all these plants are start to sprouts as we speak, any help would be good for the list of PH. AN. Feed supplys? My lighting and air are up to code lol
firstly if your having issues then use coco and leave soil for when u have improved your skills, coco is very cheap about 15 uk for 50 litres delivered, also with coco u have absolutely no need to PH or EC I RECOMEND canna pro or u can buy the coco briks and break them down yourself with water.

also mate,, why autos? they use more light,mor eelectric, and yeild much less? u can do 12-12 from seed and double your yeild, i think this is also wher your problem lyes, if u want a nice yeild with a good smoke then i recomend g13 pineapple express feminised, u can pull in -9 weeks witch is the same as a auto, and like i say much less in electricity,

so in sumery
coco- canna pro
nutes- canna a and B OR biobizz selection- canna PK, rhizotonic(for root stimulation) i use rhiz and love it, amazing stuff,,, and id say use biobizz topmaxx as a booster, all the way thru flower, the pk i use atrting at week 5 at 1.5ml and reduce 0.5ml a week keep adding base nutes and boost with it! then last 2 weeks stop all nutes and use ghe ripen on alternate feeding so one day ripen and the next water and the next ripen, so on, then last 3 days pure water, not a flush just water, then lights of for 24hrs and chop chop

i also recomend airpots (10 litre) or oxypots (fabric)

strain horder

Active Member
Hate to disagree but if you are using Coco and not growing 100% plant based organics, then PH is very important. With the Nutrients you are suggesting to him, PH and EC are extremely important. If you are growing purely organic (u are probably in soil if you are), then PH and EC are not something you need concern yourself with, unless you add synthetics. Think of it this way, When you grow in soil organically, you are basically setting a buffet for your plants to take what they want/need from, when you grow in Coco and use synthetic nutrients, you are jamming an IV in your plant and forcing it to take what you are feeding it.

I'm not sure that Coco is easier than soil. I think soil is more forgiving and has a higher ability to buffer than coco. I personally grow in Coco but have done both over the past 15 years.

To the TS, I would seriously consider getting a combo meter (PH and EC). BlueLab is my favorite. You talk about your weed smelling like hay. That may not be from your growing but your curing. That happens a lot when weed is put in the jar to early. For Coco, if you want to use CANNA, I would use their coco, their base nutrient, I would personally not use their root accelerator, I would use House and Garden Roots Excel or Aptus Startboost. I would use their PK 13/14 but I would not use per their directions for only one week. I would use week 3-7 or use individual P and K using only P for weeks 2,3,4 and p and K for 5,6 and just k for 7 and beyond. I think the CANNA Boost product is great but super expensive. I would try and use it as a foliator from the time flowers start to show until the end of week 4. After that, I would switch to adding it to the resivor when you feed. If you are gonna use coco, keep your PH at 5.8 throughout the grow unless you have a strain specific need. In soil, with synthetics, I would bring it up to 6.2. As far as how much feed, I would start off light when they are babies (350-400ppm) and slowly increase while vegging until I get it up to around 800. I raise maybe 50-75 points per feeding. Don't increase feed to fast. I don't usually go much above 1000-1100 most of the time. Some strains I'll bring higher but as a general rule, most are pretty happy between 1000-1100. Now remember, if you are growing in coco, and this is especially true if you are using RO'd water, you want to make sure to use a CaMg supplement. I typically try and buffer ro'd water with CaMg to get it to around 200 ppm before I start to add any nutrients. Don't forget to give your mixed nutrients at least 5-10 minutes to allow your PH fluxulation to stop. Good luck....

firstly if your having issues then use coco and leave soil for when u have improved your skills, coco is very cheap about 15 uk for 50 litres delivered, also with coco u have absolutely no need to PH or EC I RECOMEND canna pro or u can buy the coco briks and break them down yourself with water.

also mate,, why autos? they use more light,mor eelectric, and yeild much less? u can do 12-12 from seed and double your yeild, i think this is also wher your problem lyes, if u want a nice yeild with a good smoke then i recomend g13 pineapple express feminised, u can pull in -9 weeks witch is the same as a auto, and like i say much less in electricity,

so in sumery
coco- canna pro
nutes- canna a and B OR biobizz selection- canna PK, rhizotonic(for root stimulation) i use rhiz and love it, amazing stuff,,, and id say use biobizz topmaxx as a booster, all the way thru flower, the pk i use atrting at week 5 at 1.5ml and reduce 0.5ml a week keep adding base nutes and boost with it! then last 2 weeks stop all nutes and use ghe ripen on alternate feeding so one day ripen and the next water and the next ripen, so on, then last 3 days pure water, not a flush just water, then lights of for 24hrs and chop chop

i also recomend airpots (10 litre) or oxypots (fabric)
Stupid fucking retards for adduttied sent me the wrong seeds I wanted a ak 49 seed an the dumb fucks send me a auto flowering seed. An thats not all the first ordor I got a crushed seed second order I got the wrong seeds. I'm about to freak out bc I told them before thay shipped to put them in plastic tubes so they wouldn't get crushed and they didn't and the second order they send me the wrong shit