Need help with my 4 white widow

cannabis patient

Active Member
I think there might be something wrong with my liitle 4 ww. Can you guys and gals help thanks. To me it seems like the first two leaves seen wringle or brunt is that normal during that stage when it is young than it will grow out new ones from the middle please help does it look fine or is there something worng. Thanks for your time. Here is the 4 ww picture. Ohh btw Im useing fox farm fertilizers right now. Ph at 6.5 to 7.0.

God bless



Well-Known Member
Well there is a huge problem........

there seems to be a problem with the gardner worring too much. good news only about three and a half months of worring to go.


Well-Known Member
actullay, the bottom one looks very sick. you should send that one over to me. and ill make sure it gets better =]

im just kidding. i just want a ww plant. haha

their beautiful.

good luck


Well-Known Member
they look good to me. like scott said, dont overnurture them. looks like youre doing a good job so far. the beginning is a scary time! my advice? eat a few valium and let your girls do their thing