Need help with feeding

Never really used nutrients to grow before but I have a nice baby that showed sex between 3-4th month, about 4ft tall, she's starting her pre buds but all the leaves are turning yellow and falling off, the stems are also purple. I know it has nutrient deficiencies because I put it in bag topsoil. I fed it 5-1-1 fish emulsion every couples times a month. What ratio should I buy now? I'm interested in the fox farm. I just need to know what kind of nutrient ratio to buy and what it says on the bottle, the plant just started budding. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Are you using the Alaska fish fertilizer? If so, they make a product called Morebloom which has an NPK of 0-10-10. So what you could do is pick that up and use the two bottles together to create a somewhat more balanced fertilizer. For example, you could add a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of fish to bloom.

Also, you could probably feed more often. Try once a week and see how that goes for you.


Well-Known Member
If you allready have the fish emulsion check out the Bio-Bizz line. If your looking for a new line of nutrients check out General Hydroponics Flora Nova Series it's a 2 part nutrient cheap and easy.
"Fox Farm" IMO- to expensive, to many nutrients in the line, to many chemical salts (i.e why they have "sledge Hammer"), Don't get me wrong there line works, many people use(d) it.

She needs more nitrogen, (not to much if your in flower just enough to get some green back in her. why your leaves are yellowing.) It's normal in flower for your fan leaves to turn yellow and shed.
The purple is a Phosphorus Deficiency