Need Help With Fans in Darkroom 80


Well-Known Member
Hello I received my secret jardin darkroom 80 I am wondering how I should set up my fans? Should I buy fans and make one an intake and one an exhaust I want to keep temps down so I will run the intake fan at the bottom ofthe tent and the exhaust at the top. Is this the best way to do this? I do not have an air cooled reflector and am running a 400w hps


I would suggest sucking air from the Top of the tent as the Hot air always rises, and yes Fresh air from the bottom, but I don't think you will need to PUMP air in. You will find that it is good to have a positive pressure in your tent, and be careful not to have the air intake to close to your babies, the air coming in might dry out your girls if your not careful.
I even had a Fan Dry out the Tops of a SOG... not good...