need help with drying

Hi guys. As I approach harvest i'm realizing i have no place to dry once cut. i
I am limited on space and now after setting up my room i have no place to dry in a cool dark place. what are my alternatives. can something be made that works that can fit in the space i have or just find the best out of mostly bad places. I have a room approx. 8ft X 10ft. have a 5X5X7 ft. tent for flower and the closet has 24 hr light for veg. any help would be great

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Take a cardboard box....
poke 3-4 small holes(about as thick as a screw or nail) on each side
take string and cut 3-4 pieces a few inches longer than the length of the carboard box
tie a knot on the end of each piece of string
pull each string through the holes on one side of the box
pull the other ends of the string pieces through the holes on the oppisite side of the box
knot the other sides of the strings

there ya go


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. As I approach harvest i'm realizing i have no place to dry once cut. i
I am limited on space and now after setting up my room i have no place to dry in a cool dark place. what are my alternatives. can something be made that works that can fit in the space i have or just find the best out of mostly bad places. I have a room approx. 8ft X 10ft. have a 5X5X7 ft. tent for flower and the closet has 24 hr light for veg. any help would be great
Try a drying net off eBay. They're inexpensive and fit nicely into a closet.


Active Member
i have 3 6x6 Grow tents 1 for Veg one for Flower and the other for my mothers. So i acually just hang them in the flowering tent for 4-5 days till im ready to flower the next group. And it gives my ( HID's) a break for a couple days. I like the Box idea but if your limited on space and your thinking about useing the bow a few times i might consider upgrading to a Big Tote from like walmart or something it will last longer and be more sturdy... Good luck


Active Member
And about the Drying net i have one and i didnt really like it. i mean it works but i felt like i was breaking to many trichs using it. so it would always be a better idea i personaly think to hang them over anything else... hope this helps