Need help with driver selection plz

As far as meanwell drivers and afaik, no such driver. Youre going to have choose between a hlg240-48 (slightly less power) or a hlg320-48 (slightly more power).

I always try to go for -AB type diver, if not possible then A type for onboard dimmer and voltage dimming.
XLG drivers are all you need these days. Same efficiency as a hlg but half the price and more features then you could ever need.

Pick the driver to suit your space and wire the strips in parallel. ( constant power so along as your in range its CC anyway) The XLG range have a current adjustment range from what its set at, to 200% so it doesn't matter about the Forward voltage too much along as the correct XLG driver is used. This also make your setup future proof as your not stuck with a 48V only led as they take a wide range of voltages.

For 48v led in your area the XLG-240-H-AB is perfect. It will run around 230w without having to set it, with a 48v led. But you can push them towards 280w without issue.
From what I can tell, the world power input is a bit deceiving on the Meanwells. I don't think they actually accept 240vac in the way we do it here in the states, which is from two 120vac lines. I *think* the only way they accept 240vac is if it's all on one line.
I was doing the same stressing about the parts for putting something together, but with the Kingbrite 240w quantums costing about $130 to my door, I just said eff it. Two of them are a better deal than a single 480 and you get better spread. They assemble in five beer-paced minutes and you're up and running. Genuine Meanwell, genuine Samsung, tough to beat.
I’m thinking bout sayin fuck it if I can come up with the money and go with hlg-320h-48a. That driver will wrk correct? That way I can run them a little stronger
If youre into saving $$ you may wanna look into meanwell lrs350-48. Its a fair bit cheaper and less expensive but not rec for being inside your tent or wet/humid conditions.

Iiuc the xlr series is meant specifically for horti applications though. The thing i dont know is how you regulate the voltage. The hlg -A type drivers have a nifty way of voltage throttling that can save your chips incase a couple of strips broke down. I dont know how you would do this on the xlr series.