need help with dj short blueberry and a few outdoor questions

im on my second run of some dj short blueberry and when it comes to flowering i cant get my buds to fill out i get big fluffy airy buds, im using botanicare nutes and hydroplex following the directions 10ml per liter of water, and about 5-10 ml per gallon for the hydroplex. should i cut the nutes down to half or what not while flowering. also im using cfls for veg hps for flower and generic soil from home depot. i think i have maybe 3 weeks left for the blueberry and its just not filling out, any advice would be greatly appreciated. ooh i dont hav e a ph meter or a ppm meter ill be getting one soon.

my outdoor question i just took some clones outdoors say 2 and a half weeks ago they were vegging great in my cali sun i check on them today and noticed that they are all starting to flower and im sure we have way more than 12 hours of light so do i just leave them outside or? and if i leave them outdoors will they finish flowering? or will they just reveg?
guess ill lighten to half strength nutes see how it goes, untill a blueberry pro comes along. the outdoor clones that are flowering i still have no idea what caused it. so if anyone has any ideas or recommendations i would be greatfull.


Well-Known Member
If you don't know the pH it is unlikely to be magically correct so nutrient uptake is never going to be optimal. Once you have your parameters dialled (temp,pH,EC) in I think you will start to see a big difference in your results.


Well-Known Member
Ec wrong,or the lights are too far of the tops if not then your most likely answer is your not giveing it long enougth to flower needs at least 9/10 weeks.......but great choice in my opinion the best blueberry plant out there apart from a plant called blues
ok i just had my tap ph checked its sitting around 6.8. i think thats a good level for wattering, but sadly i was using water from my fish tank and the ph is around 7.4-7.6 so i think ill get a water filter and start using my tap water. so what rang of ph should i be shooting for? should i try to stick with 6.5 or will the 6.8 work? i want to get this all figured out before i get my outdoor clones ready. my og skywalker seems to take everything i throw at her and loves it. also any recomendations on a feeding sched, like how many times do i feed and how many times just plain water? im having a hell of a time trying to figure the dj short out and i think ill let her run a lot longer. also how to i know when to flush her do i wait for the trichs to be like 30% amber and the rest milky before flush or?


Well-Known Member
ok i just had my tap ph checked its sitting around 6.8. i think thats a good level for wattering, but sadly i was using water from my fish tank and the ph is around 7.4-7.6 so i think ill get a water filter and start using my tap water. so what rang of ph should i be shooting for? should i try to stick with 6.5 or will the 6.8 work? i want to get this all figured out before i get my outdoor clones ready. my og skywalker seems to take everything i throw at her and loves it. also any recomendations on a feeding sched, like how many times do i feed and how many times just plain water? im having a hell of a time trying to figure the dj short out and i think ill let her run a lot longer. also how to i know when to flush her do i wait for the trichs to be like 30% amber and the rest milky before flush or?
check this chart for soil ph.



Active Member
DJ Shorts Blueberry is a light feeder. Don't overdue the nutes. Start light and move up very slowly. The leaves will twist and distort if you are feeding too much.

It's too early to move them outdoors. They are gonna get confused and start to flower but should go back to vegging. If you are in NorCal you are at the same longitude as me in southern canada. I start under lights but then move them out first of July. I see first flowers mid August


Active Member
Sup bro.. Listen ta the peeps above. DJ short strains are lite feeders and lite on the watering
for sure and only forgiving to a point. lol
I have killed and fryed a bunch of his Grape Krush over the last few months not knowing
Lots of perlite,low nuitz,lite water and well dried between watering.
Yep thatz all I gotz ta say about that... yep... :eyesmoke:

Good read, thankz and great grow ta ya... SubD and +reps:weed: