Need help with bushes


Active Member
Hey everyone im new to these forums and like them alot!! ive already learned so much that i never knew. but i was wondering if anyone could please help me out? im completely new to growing and have never even tried, but i have a fairly nice collection of about 30 different blends on dank seeds that ive collected from some nice headies that ive gotten these past months and it sparked an idea in my head. why not grow these? haha but i dont have much room to spare :( i actually wanted to try growinging in a plastic trunk thats about 1 1/2 feet tall and about 5 feet wide. i was wondering if this was possible? to grow the plants in bushes rather then stalks? also is the trunk not high enough? because i plan on getting a 600 watt hps bulb but that is the 1 and only light source that i would get. is that bad? also would the plants be able to grow properly with the light source attacked to the side of the trunk rather than the top as long as i have reflecters everywhere? also how many could i grow? any help would be nice thanks :)


Active Member
really? crap :( cause i have it set up so the 1 side is cut open with 2 little desk fans blowing in. with an air purifier and an ionizer in the back left hand side of it. and my room temp is constantly 65. any chance of it working? :/ also i dont neccasarily need a 600 warr hps i dont think? i just need enough light for what i can fit in there. but idk how many plants i can fit :/


Active Member
dang :( theres no way i could use HPS? even if i was only growing 2-3 plants? and would it work if the light source was beside the plants not above?


Well-Known Member
You could keep asking around for some more advice, but I hear about people having heat problems with an HPS even in a closet.. heat was one of the huge reasons I went with cfls...

I'd imagine the plants would grow towards the light and that kinda light would burn the babies..


Active Member
dang :/ well i do have 2 18 watt each flourecent lamp hood for my fish tank would those do well for the babies? cause the only light i can get is HPS :/


Well-Known Member
How can HPS be the only lights you could get? I got my cfls at walmart...LOL.. The 2 18 watt would prolly help start seedlings but that would be about it..


Active Member
oh really? damn well haha idk i dont know anything about growing lol. what wattage of cfls would i need and how much do you think it would cost? also im no really concerned about the yeild as long as i get around 1-2 ounces atleast per plant. and im mainly conserned about quality. i have dank seeds but are cfls good for produceing dank weed?


Well-Known Member
If you're looking for 1-2 oz AT LEAST per plant you'd have to go HPS or MH.. cfls are usually around the 1/2 oz region, going up with the more lights u have.. you get what you pay for I guess... but not all of us can drop 150+ on lights alone..
I've got 42 watt cfls in my grow right now, they're like 8 something per bulb. If you have any questions about my set up thus far feel free to pm me..


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest doing what I'm doing. Let your lights grow with your plants... Add lights as they get bigger. Right now I have 2 42 watt cfls on 4 seedlings, all thriving... I've seen a lot of cfl grows on here, and old cfl grow journals and a lot of variance on the amount of lights used, the more the better...


Active Member
will those cfls support the plants through all its phases tho? like will it bud just by useing cfls? also what kind of fixture do you use? just a light socket? also how do you think 260 watts or cfl 50/50 white and 50/50 actinic light would work?


Well-Known Member
The cfls can support the plant from seedling to harvest. The 6400K light spectrum (cool) for vegging, and the 2700k (warm) for flowering work best.

I actually bought one of the "build a lamp" fixtures, its basically for people who make lamps outta crazy random shyt, but it was super super easy to put together and it cost like 6 bucks, plus its got the screw part so i could attach it to wood later down the road if i want, but then i jus put a y socket adapter in it.

From what I see, the actinic light would be primarily for vegetative growth, since it's mostly blue spectrum. And of course the cool white would be best for vegging also.


Active Member
awesome thanks so much for all the info :) so in your opinion do you think it could work? me growing in that 1 1/2 ft x 5ft trunk? it so low ill be forced to put the light source on the side unless its ok that the plants get super close to the light? after all i am just trying to make my plants little "bushes" not long stalks. would this method work? would it still produce 1/2 oz do you think? also do the cfl's produce good smoke? cause i have about 40 seeds of super skunk 420 and 16 seeds of cali myst crossed with white pearl and i want them to be killer >:)


Active Member
i just bought a lamp cord and lamp socket repair kit gon see if i get do somting...which cfl do oi get caues i went and looked and theres the daylight 6500k blue package one or just the regular one that has green packaging and says nothing abuot kelvin