need help with a grow with low watts


Active Member
im trying to grow 3 to 4 plants with LOW watts like 200 at most i dont really want to do a CFL only grow but if it needs to happen than i will.. just looking for ideas..


Well-Known Member
so maybe 60 watts per plant? that's a bit low, probably can do it if you're willing to settle for modest size plants
i'd say 2 plants, 100 watts per plant would be better, much depends on how big a plant you want


Well-Known Member
i can only tell you what worked out for my last grow
78w of cfl managed to get me 35g of bud off 1 plant - finished out at 29 inches
that grow went well, current is micro(1 27w cfl) and is going real slow
but from what i've seen,100 watts of cfl will get a 3 foot plant to good flower PROVIDED you get those cfl's very close and use plenty of reflector


Well-Known Member
you can get a 150 , or a 250 HPS system. People need to quit thinking in "watts per plant" LUMENS LUMENS LUMENS!!!!! HID puts out twice the LUMENS per watt as CFL lighting so this fucks up the "watts per plant" equation.


Active Member
i found on ebay 150 watt hps complete system for 69.99 plus 20 bucks for shipping. now my next problem is how close can i get a 150 watt hps light to the plant? and is there any cool tubes out there for a 150 watt hps?