Need help with a diagnoses

Hey rui ill get right into it this past week i have noticed on some of my plants they look like they are getting burned and i dont think it nute burn im actually not sure what it is .. my setup is as follows.

600 watt hps light, i just switched them to 12/12 about 3 days ago but this was doing this before

My temps are always around 75 never go about 80 and lately my humidity has been getting high at 55% i just bought a dehumidifier (one time i came home my ac wasn't on and the tent i think did get up to 82 and around 60% humidity if that might have anything to do with it)

They are in Fox farm soil and I use general organics nutrients only at 1/4 strength and every other watering(only water when needed)

I have plenty of air circulation with a 12 inch wall fan in my 4x4 tent along with a can 334 cfm incline taking the heat from the hood

i usually keep my lights anywhere from 12-14 inches above the plants but lately ive been working 12 hour shifts so by the time i get home usually they are sleeping and i don't check so maybe at one point the plants go within 6-10 inches from the light but the inline is connected to the hood so heat doesn't really come off the hood that much

problem 2.jpgimage (19).jpgimage (21).jpgimage (22).jpgimage (23).jpg
the branches are more brown burnt than yellow like it crumbles if you touch it..... This is my first grow so any help would be much appreciated.... if theres anything im forgetting to mention that will help with the diagnoses just let me know and again thanks in advance for the help and happy growing rui


Active Member
It's always so tough to tell from other peoples pictures. I doubt it had anything to do with the heat or humidity. It looks like it could be a cal/mag deficiency but it's tough to tell for sure. When I have problems with a plant I give it just water for a few feedings, sometimes it makes it better and sometimes it makes it worse, but it should help you narrow down the potential problems. Good luck.
thanks man ive been reading alot i think it might have to do with my ph and like you said some kind of deficiency cause i flushed it like a two weeks ago..... ima just let the soil almost completely dry and just use plain water see if that helps... thanks again man and happy growing


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see a pic of the whole plant, but how are you water/feeding? Do you let runnoff come out the bottom? It looks like the begining of a toxicity ( to much salt causes nute lockout) and it may be you just need to feed it I said a good pic of the whole plant and your water/feed habits...good luck & it'll be fine I'm sure...
hey rinkstein my feeding schedule is usually i use a moisture meter but i think recently it has failed me bcz i noticed i was watering like every 2 days sometimes 3 i ph the water try to stay around 6-7 and at 1/4 nutrients... i do let a little runoff come out at the bottom but i noticed this last feeding alot of water run out the bottom making me think i might have been over watering cz my crappy moisture meter is no good..... but idk if i mentioned i flushed about 2 weeks ago and still have been using 1/4 stength nutrients and only feeding it nutrient every other watering....

looking now and thinking about what you had said im thinking maybe i need more nutrients now than before and maybe its a calcium magnesium problem here are some pics i hope this helps.... this is the worst one in the group and the stems are redish idk if that helps

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here they are..... Hope this helps and thanks for all the help man much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Burnt tip's are usually a sign of a past deficiency/over feeding, that one fan leaf look's like something has been eating on it.Do you have low Humidity where you dwell????
the humidity is always around 40% to 60% sometimes when it is very hott outside but normally its always around 45%-52% thanks man for the help... but kinda when this happened my humidity was actually high for awhile like 60% i think the highest was 64% but since than i have got a dehumidifier so they are back down to around 45%


Well-Known Member
I think it could be a couple of things. It looks like is could be a slight N burn and I think your lights are too close to the top of your plant. I would back them off to 2' at least with a 600W fixture. Another thing possibly is you might be overfeeding them if you feed them every watering, especially if you are using FFOF. Do you know what actually is your PPM? I would try feeding them every other watering and see if that helps. I found that a soil test kit is useful to figure out what's actually up with your soil. They will tell you what the NPK and PH is of your soil, and removes a lot of the guess work. About $20 on Amazon. Peace
yeah i defiantly need something like that forsure thanks im defiantly grab that but no i was actually usuing 1/4 nutrients and feeding them nutrient every other watering.... nutrient water.. water nute water... water etc thanks for the help