Need help, watering my baby

Po boy

Well-Known Member
with a young seedling, use a mist bottle to water. just dampen the soil for a few inches around the stalk. don't soak it-just keep it damp. GL


Well-Known Member
If it is in an appropriate size pot just dump water on it until it runs out the bottom then leave it alone. simple as that. No silly tricks just dump water on it


New Member
How many times a day do I mist it, and thanks for the advice, I have been using a mist bottle and it seems to work great.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i mist mine until they're about 2 weeks old. being outside in full sun they usually dry out daily. sometimes i mist 3 times a day. GL


Well-Known Member
Watering should be a matter of frequency. When you water a pot until it is fully saturated, let the plant use all the water in the pot until the medium is almost dry. Your plant will begin to wilt if you let it go without water, but if you can catch it begin to droop a bit you know how long you should be going in between waterings. This is what i mean by frequency. As the roots fill the pot the frequency of irrigation becomes higher, and when you can't go a day without watering you should consider transplanting into a bigger pot.

You might go a week without watering at first, and then it might be 5 days, then 4, then 3, and so on. You have to get a good idea of whats going on with the root system to really guage when to water.

This cycle of watering will allow the root zone to get the most oxygen throughout. If you water before the medium is dry you will eventually cause damage to your rootzone by allowing harmful bacteria or viruses into the biomass.

tusseltussel is dead on.

Hope that helps. DUB


Well-Known Member
It is easy to over-water a new seedling by just "pouring water on it". Pour a few ounces of water around the stem daily. Can't go wrong that way. Works for me, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Over watering is not the amount of water used it is how often you use it. Do this and you will have root tip dying looking for water and main roots drowning from having water dumped on them every day. If you want healthy plants give up the bull shit and water them. Don't water a wet plant that's how you avoid over watering, like dubs said frequency is what it's about, and patience. Having the patience to water it and leave it alone until it needs more, it's watering don't make it hard it's simple stuff

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Over watering is not the amount of water used it is how often you use it. Do this and you will have root tip dying looking for water and main roots drowning from having water dumped on them every day. If you want healthy plants give up the bull shit and water them. Don't water a wet plant that's how you avoid over watering, like dubs said frequency is what it's about, and patience. Having the patience to water it and leave it alone until it needs more, it's watering don't make it hard it's simple stuff
this has always worked well for me. it's also how i get thousands of herb and vege seeds to germ. seedlings are easily over watered, especially if you live in an area of high humidity. every situation calls for different remedies. GL


Well-Known Member
I wish you well, enjoy the sun and don't forget to dance now and then
this has always worked well for me. it's also how i get thousands of herb and vege seeds to germ. seedlings are easily over watered, especially if you live in an area of high humidity. every situation calls for different remedies. GL