Need help washing my buds…


Well-Known Member
I am coming to the end of decent grow. Harvest is within a week or so. I have the sweetest golden retriever who thinks I hung the moon. I wouldn’t trade her for anything….and I mean that. But her hair is out of control. It sheds constantly and get onto everything. She rarely goes into my grow room and never when the closet door is open. But her hair finds it’s way in and all up in my buds. I spent hours with tweezers picking it out…to the point of doing more damage than was healthy. I finally decided I was a good candidate for bud washing.
I’ve not sprayed anything on the plants and the only thing I want to accomplish is to wash off the hair and random microscopic pieces of lint and hair.
i know the 4 bucket system but I had a few questions.
First, do I really need to do the peroxide bucket and the lemon juice/baking soda bucket?? If I wanted to skip one of the two, which should I eliminate??
Secondly, I can use distilled water but tap would be easier……my tap is kinda hard and has 144ppm. Does it matter?
Lastly, what should the temp of the water be? I’m thinking not too hot, not too cold, maybe luke warm or a bit cooler….around room temp??
Any input is appreciated…..thanks guys.
I am coming to the end of decent grow. Harvest is within a week or so. I have the sweetest golden retriever who thinks I hung the moon. I wouldn’t trade her for anything….and I mean that. But her hair is out of control. It sheds constantly and get onto everything. She rarely goes into my grow room and never when the closet door is open. But her hair finds it’s way in and all up in my buds. I spent hours with tweezers picking it out…to the point of doing more damage than was healthy. I finally decided I was a good candidate for bud washing.
I’ve not sprayed anything on the plants and the only thing I want to accomplish is to wash off the hair and random microscopic pieces of lint and hair.
i know the 4 bucket system but I had a few questions.
First, do I really need to do the peroxide bucket and the lemon juice/baking soda bucket?? If I wanted to skip one of the two, which should I eliminate??
Secondly, I can use distilled water but tap would be easier……my tap is kinda hard and has 144ppm. Does it matter?
Lastly, what should the temp of the water be? I’m thinking not too hot, not too cold, maybe luke warm or a bit cooler….around room temp??
Any input is appreciated…..thanks guys.
I have a long haired German Shepherd. Hairs are found even inside unopened boxes XD.. I put a block under the door (the ones that are used to stop wind drafts) and also a lint roller every time I go down to the basement to check on the girls. GL sir
Maybe look into just making water hash. Add an extra wash step using a cheesecloth “bag” as to hopefully catch the hair before the first actual wash. I dunno man, just spit balling ideas. Good luck!
Yeah shit gets glued to frosty bud, it sucks.

You might be able to get some of the hair off washing it though.

I just fumbled a seedling cup and sprayed bits of coir all over an almost ready plant, always a new way to mess things up! :wall:

I think I’m gonna have to go with the tweezers for this one, if only I knew some tweakers.

The long dog hairs are not so bad….they can be picked off if you encounter one while smoking…’s the tiny little specs of either hair or some kind of fabric particles. Hell before recently I’d never looked at buds through a jewelers loupe…..maybe everyone’s buds have a certain degree of foreign matter. I’m talking way too small to pick off w/ tweezers and not easily visible to the naked eye. The only thing I can think of is small fibers from a Persian rug that is directly in front of the door to the closet.
I’ll dip a few and see what’s in the water, and take it from there I guess.
If you think dog hair is an issue of concern
Wait till the day you have none
I try to be half the man my dog thinks I am
I can’t live without a little dog hair
sealed room is an option
Oh bro
If you think dog hair is an issue of concern
Wait till the day you have none
I try to be half the man my dog thinks I am
I can’t live without a little dog hair
View attachment 5074866
sealed room is an option
Oh Brotha how true that is. My girl is something else….I swear I wouldn’t take a million dollars cash for her. She loves me more than u can imagine and I totally don’t deserve it. I’ll gladly deal with the hair. 07A285BA-FC1A-48EC-A5AA-667385249D4C.jpeg
Your dog is beautiful.

You have to keep pets away from plants and only go into your grow with fresh clothes and shower ideally. if you get hairs in the buds you either smoke them or you pluck them out.
Your dog is beautiful.

You have to keep pets away from plants and only go into your grow with fresh clothes and shower ideally. if you get hairs in the buds you either smoke them or you pluck them out.
I’ve plucked my fair share…..but I see a good amount of tiny little hair-like fibers in the buds. I can only see them with the jewelers loupe, they are so small.
i have to admit I’m intrigued by bud washing and thought it might be a way to get at least some of the “fuzz” out of the budz….
And you’d have to be around this golden retriever to understand the way her hair finds its way everywhere. I have my grow in the closet of my office, which is in a one room “guest house” for lack of a better description. The pooch hardly ever goes in and I roll down with a lint roller before I open the door. I vacuum all the time but it doesn’t matter. I can’t imagine what things would be like if I wasn’t mindful of it.
I’m thinking the fuzz might be coming off a Persian rug that’s directly in front of the closet door and about a 1” gap under it, which is my passive intake.
I don’t think washing will do any harm and it has to get some debris off……I’ll try it with the first plant and if I don’t see the results in the water, I’ll skip it for the other two.
I’ve plucked my fair share…..but I see a good amount of tiny little hair-like fibers in the buds. I can only see them with the jewelers loupe, they are so small.
i have to admit I’m intrigued by bud washing and thought it might be a way to get at least some of the “fuzz” out of the budz….
And you’d have to be around this golden retriever to understand the way her hair finds its way everywhere. I have my grow in the closet of my office, which is in a one room “guest house” for lack of a better description. The pooch hardly ever goes in and I roll down with a lint roller before I open the door. I vacuum all the time but it doesn’t matter. I can’t imagine what things would be like if I wasn’t mindful of it.
I’m thinking the fuzz might be coming off a Persian rug that’s directly in front of the closet door and about a 1” gap under it, which is my passive intake.
I don’t think washing will do any harm and it has to get some debris off……I’ll try it with the first plant and if I don’t see the results in the water, I’ll skip it for the other two.

Yeah I've got a Labradoodle who has long fine hairs and we've got a Tuxedo cat that actually doesn't shed much at all.. Both aren't allowed into the grow spaces at all. I'm fortunate to have that option, I know not everyone does.

One way you can easily prevent fibers/debris from being pulled into the intake is put a pre-filter on it. They sell "mushroom" filters that will just catch large debris.

This above solution should work for ya. When I used to grow in tents I would cut the cheap cheap furnace filters just for dust/debris and tape using HVAC foil tape to the side of my tents screens etc. It will stop stuff from being pulled up in the tent. Just make sure not to use too fine of a filter.

The "DUst Shrooms" they sell for HPS fixtures are really expensive, they cost like $70-80 dollars for a single unit.. You can very easily make something that will work just as good if not better.

To remove the existing stuff off the buds there really isn't an "easy way" other than static electricity to try and collect the fibers. If I'm not mistaken though static electricity may pull the trichomes off too? I'm not entirely sure on that one.. Either way a few lost trichomes is better than smoking carpet fibers.