need help .want to get a 1ooo light but scared.

[email protected]

Active Member
i got a 400 watt light already but want to get 1000 watt light but scared of getting busted by the electricty people. the 400 would be for veg and 1000 for flowering in a sea of green about 40 plants. do you think i need to leave the 100o watts along or just get the 600 watt light . i also live in the south but a capital city i dont know if they got technology or smart enough to realize what im doing. need help. how many watts before getting caught.


Well-Known Member
lol im running 3000 watts in one house. and i know alot of people running the same. youre straight with 1k watters. a good air conditioner a jacuzzi a space heater a new dish washer. shit all those run at 1k+ as long as you pay your bill on time and dont try to steal electric ur fine.


Well-Known Member
1st off bro your using your yahoo address, which means if anyone you know or have given that email address to googles you they are going to be lead right to your marijuana growing page. id cancell that account now and make up a name noone knows you by.
my 600 watt hps sun supply 10 only costs 7.45 a month to run 12 hours a day, 2 times that for 24 hours a day. and my 400 watt hps only costs me 4 dollars a month to run. so even if i run em both 24 hours a day it still only costs me 20 extra a month. that aint shit. so make sure you get a good ballast and youll have no worries at all. the things most likely to get you bagged is some dickhead rats you out or someone sees the lightleak in your basement, or someone smells it..unless your running 3 1000watt hps with light movers and all that no one will notice the electricity...

[email protected]

Active Member
im in the you? just trying to be safe than sorry. you know what i mean. cause these motherfuckers where i live is crazy as fuck but dumb as fuck at the same time.


Active Member
ya 99% of the bust that happin..are happined by friends that get bent out of shape,or someone snitches on you...NEVER TELL ANYONE ABOUT YOUR GROW OP..i know its hard.but thats what these places are for..all it takes is for one person to tell one person..then it leads to the cops...
and long as ur paying your elc bill..ur fine..but if your up for getting a 1000 watt,from what ive known..a 600 watt is better and uses less energy..thats my cents worth.