Need help w/ organic mix.

Okay so i have been learning and "trying" to grow organicly. I am new at this so please anybody and everyone who has grown organicly before please give me your advice!

i have obtained a few items already but dont really want to buy anything else without another opinion.
I have:
-Sphagnum peat moss
-Organic compost
-Alaskan Fish fertilizer (5-1-1)

What i plan on getting:
-Rock phosphate
-Blood meal
-Bone meal
and maybe some gauno?

Im not sure what else i need or what i dont need, so if anybody could help me out at all that would be much appreciated, and anybody has a mix of there own that they would like to share that would also be much appreciate.


Well-Known Member
Dolomitic lime is an absolute must with your mix. Bat guano too.

But, to be honest, I've been down your same root before and you'll get better results using a pre-made soiless soil like Sunshine #4 or Pro-mix and adding an organic fertilizer made by one of the manufacturers like Botanicare or AN or Old Age. The reason being is everything you mix in has different break down rates- some things are available now and others need time to break down to be available so the roots can uptake them. Also, each ingredient has an impact on pH, some lowering and some raising. You may think it's cheaper, and it may be, but you'll have a healthier crop in the long run.......


Well-Known Member
Like SSHZ stated, you may be better off with a pre-mixed soil like Pro-Mix to get you used to organics. However, if you DO want to prepareyour own soil (only way I like to do it), you can check out the links in my signature, should give you a decent starting point for preparing your own soil. Also Sub`s thread on Supersoil would be a good read for you too. Happy growing, feel free to fire away!!

KC :weed:
Thanks KC i will look into that, i hear mixing your own mix is the best way because you always know what exacty is in it.
All of this information is much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
That`s why I love mixing my own, give you the opportunity to set the plants feeding up for the WHOLE growth cycle as opposed to having to ammend throughout. Just remember, you`re feeding the SOIL in organics, not the plant :)

KC :weed: