Need Help W/Nutrients


Well-Known Member
I need a good, no, great general fertilizer, organic. This is my first year growing and I started with MG but my dispensary guy said weed grown in MG emits a bad chemical when smoked so I switched to Kellogg's organic soil. This is when my nutrient deficiency showed up. Yellowing leaves with the green veining, Magnesium deficiency? Also, I have no idea what the pH is of anything. Honestly, I thought all of the hand wringing over pH was...bullshit....but, I think I am wrong about this, but really, I thought, pot is a freaking weed.... then I added up the money I've saved growing my own and I have done a complete 180° on my opinions.
So, today's shopping list is:
pH meter
Organic fertilizer
TIA ..Sam :-D


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with MG. Flush real good at the end and your golden. Don't believe the hype!!!


Well-Known Member
in my opinion its all about the soil you start with.....that is some homedepot brand of soil? it sounds like you are out on ph or nitrogen lock out of some sort...try and find an OMRI listed fertilizer or go online and find some. or go to a hydro store and they will have more than what you need


Well-Known Member
Thank you, both. :-D
I had no idea I was living in hydroponics heaven, there are so many in a 30 mi radius and the closest is open on Sunday. I think I'll take a leaf with me to show them.
Life is good.
Absolutely! Ph will quickly demolish a plant! Unfortunately I was hard headed and didn't listen to they hype a few years back and had 4 girls completely ravaged from inconsistent ph..ughhh still makes me sick to think about!
I need a good, no, great general fertilizer, organic. This is my first year growing and I started with MG but my dispensary guy said weed grown in MG emits a bad chemical when smoked so I switched to Kellogg's organic soil. This is when my nutrient deficiency showed up. Yellowing leaves with the green veining, Magnesium deficiency? Also, I have no idea what the pH is of anything. Honestly, I thought all of the hand wringing over pH was...bullshit....but, I think I am wrong about this, but really, I thought, pot is a freaking weed.... then I added up the money I've saved growing my own and I have done a complete 180° on my opinions.
So, today's shopping list is:
pH meter
Organic fertilizer
TIA ..Sam :-D