Need help w dying plant

Wassup I haven’t had any plants yet & this is my roommates. Almost 3 weeks from seed, It was going good growing indoor & then he put it outside for a little the other day & our dog got into it. He put these toothpicks around the plant to help it stand up & we have this fan to help build strength. But it’s laying low recently & I’m not sure it looks right, let me know what you think. Been watering it every couple days, fed once a week w miracle grow performance organics.



Well-Known Member
There’s a thread around here about re potting stretching seedlings deeper in the soil. Since it looks very stretchy why don’t you dig that thread up and do as he had stated and re pot it deeper?


Well-Known Member
This seedlings is leggy and stretching because of the light not being strong enough. So the stem stays thin but keeps getting longer, searching for light. Solutions:
1) Most important, get a good light. At least 150w for 1 plant (LED recommended)
2) Prop up(tie it to something else) your plant until stem grows thicker.
3) Use fans for a slight breeze. That would make the stem stronger after a while. Don't overdo it though. You want to see seedling moving around just a little bit.
4) Use Silica when you water. Even if you buy a 250mL of silica, it would last you forever because it only requires 1mL/lt of water. Vitalink ane Growth Technology have liquid silica products but other companies as well.

Happy growing and God Bless.


Well-Known Member
You're over watering by watering too often and it's causing damp off.
You could get away with watering that pot once per week, twice at the very most. In this case too, i'd be giving nutrient fortnightly, rather than weekly.

Love the creativeness with the matchsticks! :lol:
A small stake would serve you better I think. A skewer and loose twist tie would be suffice.

You need to let that top soil dry, that's what's causing your dampoff.
An inch or so of straw or similar mulch would be beneficial too. It'll help keep the soil evenly moist and will allow you to water less often, whilst also not letting the top soil go too dry, too soon.
Leave a small amount of space between the base of your plant and the straw, so the plant can breath and you'll be golden.

P.S. Stretchy seedlings are more susceptible to dampoff too. So as mentioned above, you might need more light.
Plant's very young too, so go really easy on the nutrient. Over feeding plants is very easy to do. Less is nearly always more.


Well-Known Member
You need a good grow light. And then we can go from there. That is stupidly small for a 3 week plant. And you probably shouldnt be feeding anything depending on the dirt you are using.
This seedlings is leggy and stretching because of the light not being strong enough. So the stem stays thin but keeps getting longer, searching for light. Solutions:
1) Most important, get a good light. At least 150w for 1 plant (LED recommended)
2) Prop up(tie it to something else) your plant until stem grows thicker.
3) Use fans for a slight breeze. That would make the stem stronger after a while. Don't overdo it though. You want to see seedling moving around just a little bit.
4) Use Silica when you water. Even if you buy a 250mL of silica, it would last you forever because it only requires 1mL/lt of water. Vitalink ane Growth Technology have liquid silica products but other companies as well.

Happy growing and God Bless.
We were thinking about moving it outside pretty soon. You see any issues w that? I’m worried it’s too windy


Well-Known Member
Wassup I haven’t had any plants yet & this is my roommates. Almost 3 weeks from seed, It was going good growing indoor & then he put it outside for a little the other day & our dog got into it. He put these toothpicks around the plant to help it stand up & we have this fan to help build strength. But it’s laying low recently & I’m not sure it looks right, let me know what you think. Been watering it every couple days, fed once a week w miracle grow performance organics.
If you notice the base of your plant is thinned, and gradually thicker as you move up. That's a dead giveaway for dampoff, a pathogen / disease.

Sort the disease out first, that is priority #1 and the main reason your plant is stunted, and flopping over.
Putting stronger light on it now, will only stress it out more. Just wait until you see some improvement / growth, before blasting them with more is all I'm saying.
If you've had it outdoors, put it in some light shade. Then more sun / light once things are better.
I do agree your lighting needs to be better though. Either the spectrum is whack, lights not powerful enough, or not close enough.
i'd say likely a combo of low powered light + too far away.


Well-Known Member
Wassup I haven’t had any plants yet & this is my roommates. Almost 3 weeks from seed, It was going good growing indoor & then he put it outside for a little the other day & our dog got into it. He put these toothpicks around the plant to help it stand up & we have this fan to help build strength. But it’s laying low recently & I’m not sure it looks right, let me know what you think. Been watering it every couple days, fed once a week w miracle grow performance organics.
Your mom's gonna be mad when she finds out you're using her pot for weed.


Well-Known Member
Wassup I haven’t had any plants yet & this is my roommates. Almost 3 weeks from seed, It was going good growing indoor & then he put it outside for a little the other day & our dog got into it. He put these toothpicks around the plant to help it stand up & we have this fan to help build strength. But it’s laying low recently & I’m not sure it looks right, let me know what you think. Been watering it every couple days, fed once a week w miracle grow performance organics.
I would invest in a budget friendly led light. That poor thing is looking sad at 3 weeks. That is about 6 days under an led. 3 weeks would have had your friend starting LST. Your friend should make an account to work on his plants while you work on yours. That's way too much headache. You have the opportunity to learn from this mistake.