Need Help!! Thought was Root rot, maybe not...

Thanks alot guys, gonna do the frozen bottle thing for now till can get a chiller or get the heat under control

Add about a Tbsp of salt to each 2L bottle. It will get to a lower temp when frozen and last a lot longer before it all melts. I use pickling salt in mine but I doubt it matters what kind of salt it is. I believe it's calcium nitrate that farmers fill their tractor tires with for weight and to keep from freezing but I'm not positive.

They need to teach money management, emotional management, leadership, cooking and home care, shop class, and gardening during middle to high school. Pretty much everything their worthless parents wont...
Preach!! I was fortunate enough to go to a high school that had agricultural science course, mechanics,and one of only like 3 I think in the country that had meat cutting class lol
Preach!! I was fortunate enough to go to a high school that had agricultural science course, mechanics,and one of only like 3 I think in the country that had meat cutting class lol
Michigan schools are like heres a prison to go to, with 20 year old text books, and if you are one of the good prisoners we let you take shop or art lol. Trying to figure out who thought it was best to keep all these basic life skills from the kids.