need help taking cuttings from a mother.


so whats the best way to take cuttings from a mother? how old does the mother have to be and where do you start first? any specific advice ot techniques would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. thanks a bunch.


reps to you brutha! i know how to clone i was talking more along the lines of which part of the mother should cuttings be taken from first and how old or big should the mothers be? do you use a humidity dome to root your clones in the soil?


Active Member
Humidity always helps rooting clones; think of it like germinating a seed, once it dries your fvcked.
Good question as to if you should start at a specific area however I've not ever had problems taking clones from any area as long as they are takin proper care of. And somethingni just learned is you can clone a leaf. You can also clone a leaf put it in a ziplock and store it in the fridge and root it weeks later.(just be sure it doesn't completely freeze out the clone)


Well-Known Member
as soon as she develops lateral branches that have at lest 3 nodes of growth you are ready to take cuttings.

you can cut from anywhere on the plant as long as you stick to the new supple shoots. anything stiff or barky will root slower.

Yes, I always use a humidity dome.


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