Need help sexxing early preflower!


Well-Known Member
Still a bit early to tell. Here is a couple of pics from when I was asking the same questions.

The first pic is a male( the little group of grape like pods) and the second a female( sexy little white hairs). Hope this helps




Active Member

My confusion came from a source i read that said if the calyx isn't directly attached to the stem, but rather by a smaller stemlet then it is probably a male. In the first picture shown, it appears to have a stemlet.

In the 2nd picture the preflowers look like pears.

Once the hairs come out it's pretty obvious, as it is when the grape like pods start hanging down from the stem. Guess it's just too early to tell now, any other input?


Well-Known Member

My confusion came from a source i read that said if the calyx isn't directly attached to the stem, but rather by a smaller stemlet then it is probably a male. In the first picture shown, it appears to have a stemlet.

In the 2nd picture the preflowers look like pears.

Once the hairs come out it's pretty obvious, as it is when the grape like pods start hanging down from the stem. Guess it's just too early to tell now, any other input?
Not as far as sexing the plants go, I am still an epic newbie and learning all the time.

Your plant looks very healthy, so kudos on that.

Peace and Great Grows



Benn growing 4 years now and i can bet that a female bro...u should c 2 white pistils coming thru soon.....:clap:


on another note...male sacks usually come in small clusters....i could b wrong but i would put my 2 cents on a female from how ive always seen em in my grows


Well-Known Member
I will agree with red, I havent been growing very long but had 5 male plants in a row and everyone of them looked the same early on (completely different from what you have) and finally got my first female where the early preflowers looked exactly like yours.