Need help sexing, growing 5 in limited space...

So I'm a noob, and I've learned how to sex plants but I've run into a space limitation. I have 5 seedlings in early veg, and I plan to keep two females in 2 gallon pots. My tent is 2' x 2' x 4'. So I can't have more than 2 of my larger pots in there.

Before someone says it, I'm not going to make clones as i don't have the setup for it anyways. In addition I can't put a bag over a stem and remove it later. My schedule is pretty unpredictable.

However, they are all now in solo cups and a bit small. I'd like to know if I should transplant my plants into another container to flower and sex, and then transplant 2 females into the larger pots?

Maybe put them all into a single large tray and flower? Toss the males and keep two females....I don't think that so early I'd see pre-flowers that I can safely call females and roll the dice. I do have a loupe which I can use on the pre-flowers.

I don't see any other way besides flowering in these cups...and then transplanting but I imagine that would stunt growth quite a bit. Any help is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
how big are they right now ... also i wount put them into a single try that will fuck them both up they both need there own space and for that males i would save them in a bag and when u get all ur cliping for the other bitches u can put them into a blender with other small buds and make some oil if u want search how to make it on here


Well-Known Member
ok cool thats pretty good for 12 days 5 in what kind of lights are u using just wondering also i would switch to bigger pots when u choose to put them into flowering the root gorw faster in the flowering stage
I can't put them into larger pots for flowering. Unfortunately my tent is very small, I didn't even expect all 5 seeds to germ lol, but I just hope to keep them alive until I know which are female and keep the 2 healthiest females...then put them into the larger pots and let them grow!

So any ideas on what I should do here?


Well-Known Member
what about usinf pop bottles cut them in half or as high as u can then used them because those 16 oz cups or what every u got will not support them for long also how long have u been germ em for also if u do the pop bottles idea make sure u cover the bottle with tape so that the roots dont see the light
In my limited experiences males have tended to grow upwards quicker and more stringy than the females - however this is not a foolproof method of sexing just a good indicator.
Getur I like that Idea, I can cut the 2L bottles down to maybe half and that gives my plants more room to grow. Thanks mate, any ideas on when I should transplant?

Also I have a correction to make, I guessed on the plant height but they are now 2inches to 3.5 inches tall. Today is day 13 since I directly planted soaked seeds into the dirt.

I just now noticed someone asked about my lights.... 4 CFL 6500-5500K 23-26w bulbs.

here is my journal BTW in case u guys have more questions or ideas....


Well-Known Member