Need help sexing, are these male parts?

Male or Female

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Hey guys, I could use some help. I was really disappointed to find what I believe to be male parts on the clones from my supposedly female mothers (I saw preflower and growth signs that indicated female tendencies). However I have heard from other people that these may in fact be pods out of which hairs will explode from... So I'm wondering has anyone ever seen these kind of things before? (BTW the plants are Nirvanas WW and Papaya)




Yes this is a Bert not a Betty... Pollen pods are quite apparent. If you have any girl plants, you need to seperate them. If all your plants are like the pict. you have an all-male crop.


Well-Known Member
Hunk of a plant there, remove before week 3-4 or you got a lot of pollen kicking around.


Well-Known Member
oh yea def. a male. if i were u id cut it right now and smoke it. there is still thc in the plant
Absolutly not, their is very, very little THC in male plants if any, and a plant in that stage of growth even if it had a .00000000001% thc which is negligible, it would be so premature it wont do anything.

Please I am not trying to be rude, but advise is best given by those who have some knowledge about this subject. If you heard that information from a friend well your friend is a idiot, and you shouldn't listen to him.