Need Help! Seed aren't Growing


Well-Known Member
The germinating part doesn't seem to be the problem since I switched to doing it in the paper towel. Both seeds that I did it with this time got the little white root coming out of the bottom. The problem seems to be when I put the germinated seeds into soil and they don't grow.

Thats y I don't use the paper towel method it is a flawed method IMO

I use reg potting mix keep it warm and wet.....100% success...well 99.9%

Ty hope it helps
I just went to the nursery and got some new soil. I told the lady that i needed it for seeds and the only other thing besides miracle gro that she had was pro mix. she just filled a grocery bag for me and only charged me $2. It's very fine, there are no chunks in it and there's something in it that is shiny. Hopefully that will work better. Unfortunately she didn't have anything like the coco coir or worm castings so I'm going to get that stuff online.


Well-Known Member
The most simple and easy way to germinate your seeds is to wrap them in toilet roll , fold over nicely and slip into a baggy.... Moisten the toilet paper but dont soak it if u have a puddle of water in ur baggy pour it out. Now seal your baggy and put in a dark place.

You seeds will have tap roots long enough to plant after about 12 hours. some may take longer up to 3 days. Remember to keep the paper towel moist dont let it dry out.

If you need any more help pop along to my thread (its in my sig) ive tried several different ways of germing and found this the most effective.

good luck n happy smoking.


Well-Known Member
theres prolly a few on here that won't agree, but the MG seed starter is great for seedings and clones. as far as fox farms, light warrior is designed for seeds and clones but its on the pricey side and no better than the MG. i have some plants in FFOF and some in MG moisture control ... the MG plants have surpassed the FFOF plants, and i use about 20% perlite mixed in also.