Need help...+Rep for help


Active Member
Alright, i'll be uploading pictures next post...however I have a problem with my plant.

Details: Small holes in my plants leaves. The holes are filled with what looks to be small cobwebs. I have looked under the leaves and have not noticed any bugs??? Also this plant has been grown on my window all of its life.

Plant Details: Plant is 2 weeks old, still in veg state.


in a way it sounds like you have mites. There's times that you can't see the mites but they are there. if they aren't old they could be babies


Active Member
you sure your not drying it out or starving it! r u keepin it feed
I'm pretty sure it's not drying out. I have kept the soil moist. Also this plants first week was grown through rough thunder storms. Not much sun...anyways here is a picture.

Also: I have noticed spider webs on occasion attached from my pot to my plant??


Active Member
definatly looks like something is snacking i highly doubt a spider did this they are not veggie eaters. Got any catapillars or moths?

grow space

Well-Known Member
spider webs-fuck man if those are spide mite-just to be sure, go and buy some organic bug spray.because i have a feeling that some fuckers have been eating your beautiful little plants, so its bayback time.
keep up the good work...


like I said it sounds like spider mites and the hair like webs on your plants are a singe that you have spider mites