NEED HELP!!! RDWC Grow... problems with seedlings!

Hello all

I need some help. Went all out on first RDWC grow. 4x4 tent in closet, 600 watt MH/HPS, 4 65Watt CFL's, 6in Centrugal Fan with big carbon filter, water chiller keeps res between 68-72, humidifier in the room (not the best), solid air pump, oxygenation in each bucket, 4 buckets total.

Air flow: Outside 6" vornado outside tent, solid oscillating fan hung in tent, and like I said 6" Centrugal expelling air.

Growing in rockwool with hydrotons around. Water movement is good, water temp good.

Air temp: fluctuates between 77 (night) and up to 88 (day) - I know that's high, don't know how to fix that without an AC.

Humidity: Been trying to keep it up. get it up to 50 with wet towel and humidifier and misting. But it can go down as low as 34 if left unattended.

Water: checked in morning and at night. Using RO water pHed to 5.5-5.8, is right up to the bottom of the net pot and it looks like the hydrotons are getting plenty of water.

Feeding: top feeding 3 times a day with about 4 ml of pHed water. Misting each time. With airflow in there the moisture doesn't last long.

Seeds were germinated using towel method and propagated with LED lights, then moved to system at sign of first leaves (cotyledons)

Had a few mishaps with the buckets and PVC so had to take plants out for 4 hours to clear up leaks.

They are all between a week to 10 days old.

1 is Aurora strain
3 are master kush
all from nirvana.

Don't know what to do!
Need help from experienced growers. I so badly want this to work.

Aurora.jpgKush 1.jpgKush 2-2.jpgKush 3.jpgKush2-1.jpg

1 is the aurora - yellowing of true leaves, white tips, one curled up, long stem :sad:
2 is kush - white tips, very slight
3 and 5 are the same kush plant - no white tips but clear downturned leaves
4 is kush - gentle yellowing, white tips, second true started

Do I need to check the roots? HELP PLEASE, these babies need your help.


Well-Known Member
Nothing but RO water so far eh? 0 ppm means no macros or micros, when you gonna feed it? And unless you have some larger plants in the tent that 600 watt light is overkill.
right, ppm is about 8.
Plants have been in the system for 5 days only.
Should I be feeding now? I read it was too early and to wait for second true leaves.


Well-Known Member
I don't grow from seed so I don't know when to start feeding but it can't live on 8 ppm of whatever it is for long.


Active Member
Drop the temperature and it should solve your problem. I had the same problem before and it was because they're too hot. I had a 4x4 tent with a 600watt light also, and when i dropped the temp they perked up again and are doing very well. I'd recommend one of 3 things...1. get a dimmable ballast and lower the wattage, 2. get an ac, or 3. get a 400 watt lighting system...i went with #3 and my babies went from looking like yours to looking like this in 4 days...


I'm starting from seed also so when they look like this you can start adding your nutrients...i did anyway


Well-Known Member
could just kill the 600 and use the cfl if there isn't too many plants involved but still heat is gonna be an issue if your room is at 88 already this early in the exhaust? ah I see in your details, nm.
Thanks for the input kick

Kronic: I don't live where it's easy to do that. I don't have the time to wait for a new ballast or new light, let alone the money. I even sent back the 400 and increased to 600 thinking it would increase my grow.
Are there any other ways to decrease the temp?
Should I turn the 600 watt off and just run the CFL's until they get more foliage?
Ok, I'm gonna try that kick. Now I have 3 55 Watt 2700K 3600 lumen CFL's in there, waiting on a 4th from a defective one. Is that enough for the babies?


Well-Known Member
run the room days at night, helps a bunch.
I'd certainly turn the 600 off for awhile yes.
Wait that was a mistake. I'm running 3 65 Watt 6500k CFL's, can I add one more 55 watt 2700K without doing any harm until i get the replacement?


Active Member
dbkick is right. turn off the 600 and run the cfl's all the time. I used a couple cfl's for a day til i swapped out my 600 and saw improvement.
The only way I figured out how to lower the temp was to keep the front flaps open, which i don't recommend doing that but sometime ya gotta do what ya gotta do, and yea one more 55 watt won't do it any harm.


Well-Known Member
your choice, I have some I leave the light on 24/7 and some 18/6 , I don't see much difference.


Active Member
yea the cfl's at 24/7 are fine. A buddy of mine runs his lighting 24/7 until it comes time to flower. I prefer 18/6 but to each his own.
OK, just looked at the roots on one plant, the most sickly. There 6 or so roots shooting out of bottom of rockwool - good sign. Bad sign, there is a slight discoloration on a few, a little reddish brownish color. Now this could be from the hydrotons, but I don't want to take any chances.

I've read some about hydrogen peroxide and its benefits. I want to add it to my res and keep the regimen with it to prevent rotting and algae.
How much 3% drugstore kind should I add per gallon?
Is this ok? Will it change the PPM? Will it change the pH?

Any and all help very much appreciated


Active Member
Ok its good that there are roots shooting out of the bottom. However if your roots are reddish-brown it could mean either A. its nutrients causing some discoloration or B. its the beginning of root rot. Check the roots again and if they seem kind of slimy and since its above 80 degrees then I'd say root rot. These plants are very picky with their temps. Hydrogen peroxide is good for soil growing as it kills fungus and aerates the soil, I don't know how it would work with hydroponics but I'd guess if done right it would do the same thing just in the res. Hydrogen peroxide (H202) has a ph level of 6.2 so you shouldn't have to change the ph level too much if any but it will change the ppm of your current nutrients solution. you'll just have to find the proper balance, try 1 table spoon per gallon first and go from there.