Need Help!Pot size for 2 month veg?


Well-Known Member
Hello, from a previous grow I used a 15 gallon pot.
Im looking forward to a new grow( the plants are going to be grow in coco) but I am unsure of the pot size to use for a 2 month veg period while growing Purple Haze and Star Nebula (two strains I am not familiar with) combined with a training method of topping.
I have read that root development is not as rapid in flowering.So I was thinking of transplanting the plants about 1 month into veg into a 10 gallon pot.Will this sustain them through the last month of veg and flower?
I believe root development stops after week 5, i've heard it'll produce roots till the end. dont quote me on this. 2 month veg in a 3 gallon pot would be ok. I would check root mass occasionally as some strains are vigorous than others.


New Member
Hello, from a previous grow I used a 15 gallon pot.
Im looking forward to a new grow( the plants are going to be grow in coco) but I am unsure of the pot size to use for a 2 month veg period while growing Purple Haze and Star Nebula (two strains I am not familiar with) combined with a training method of topping.
I have read that root development is not as rapid in flowering.So I was thinking of transplanting the plants about 1 month into veg into a 10 gallon pot.Will this sustain them through the last month of veg and flower?
Three gallon fabric pots are fine. I veg clones in one gallon pots for eight weeks and then transplant to three gallon before flower. They always finish strong and I flower for another eight weeks. When I dump the pot after harvest, the roots are only into about 75% of the dirt. I only use nutes every fourth watering so that may come into play but you should be fine regardless.


Well-Known Member
Typically it's a gallon per month of your complete cycle, so a two month veg and an 8 week flower you should be looking at a 4 gallon pot etc. But it's just a guide line, strains are all different etc