Need Help!! plz, anyone. Seedling( i think) question

Charlie Chronic

New Member
I just planted a vanilla kush seedling and the root was curled upward so i dint know how to plant it. so i tried the best i could. Then i check the soil a few hours later and the cotyledons already started sprouting, but they are going down and not up.
Any idea on how I would plant this?? Or is it too late?


Im not a pro by far but you definitly should not have that sitting out it will dry out and die (they are super fragile at that age), id try to plant it and see what happens best you can really do with these thing until you really get to know what your doing. Maybe try some rooting enhancer once you pot it.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter. Just put about 1" of soil over it and the plant will do the rest. It will send out roots in one direction (down) and new growth towards the light. Far too much bandwidth wasted on this subject. Cannabis figured out a few million years ago how to do this. Well before we were around...