Need Help Pls. A lady across the street saw me bring plants over to my house


Active Member
How does the law work??? If she calls the police and says she saw me with what she thinks is marijuana plants what would they have to do to get into my house and investigate???? Also if they where to ask the neighbors for access to their yard and they looked over the fence and saw them could they use that as evidence, or get a warrant with that??? please help me and please help me quick theres also a thieving kid that knows about it now but I think I know how to deal with him I'll give back the two plants that were across the street so he doesn't think I have any anymore. but what about that lady??? What happens if she calls the police and says she saw me carrying marijuana plants to my house that I'd dug up from the vacant house next door to her???


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Staff member
Run the plants down the garbage disposal or burn them up in your BBQ pit.
If you are in a bad state you could do time for them & that ain't worth it.
Long & short - get rid of them ASAP.


Active Member
Your house has now become 'hot' you're going to be paranoid and it will get worse, you fucked everything up to be frank, you should never have done this, best of luck mate :-(


Active Member
Yeah I'm inclined to agree I grew here last year with no problem but this years fucked and aslong as I live in this house I won't be able to grow any more....... Don't the Cops have to be able to see it out in the open where it's openly viewable from the fence or exterior of the house??? openly regardless of state wouldn't a woman calling and saying She thinks she saw me with marijuana plants be hearsay unless they were visible outside of my house??? I'm asking the last question incase I get some autoflowering plants that I can keep indoors


Active Member
It doesn't matter what they can legally do, if she calls the cops, they can and will find a way to get into your house. You need to destroy them and move elsewhere before you try and grow again. You can always start again a year or two later after things have cooled down, but right now you want to be able to have your house searched without incident. Move your paraphernalia and stash to a friend's house asap.

The cardinal rule of growing has been broken: Don't let anyone who isn't hands-on involved know about your grow. The vast majority of grow ops get caught from tips. Investigations can last months before they pounce. The longer they wait, the bigger the chance of them being able to implicate others or get a bigger bust when you've got more plants. They'll follow you to the grow store, or they'll go through your garbage and eventually they'll find something they can use.

Just out of curiosity, why weren't the plants in boxes? It's a few bucks well spent at any hardware store.


Active Member
oh these weren't originally my plants a ex neighbor obviously dropped some seeds back there and we found the plants one had already flowered but the other two haven't


Active Member
Well I'm neither but down here in Texas they haven't managed to get a medical marijuana law passed Yet............but the kid kept the flowered plant and wants to keep it hes potted it and everything and the idiot refuses to understand that once it's flowering it's finishing up not just starting dip shit has idiots telling him it'll continue to grow bud while simultaneously growing in size and heighth and the moron won't listen about photo periods either BUT hes gonna essentially be revegging it IF it survives that is I'd say it's probly a couple to little over a acouple weeks out from being done these other two haven't even shown sex yet and are roughly 3Ft tall already in May!!! so they'll need to be forced into flowering But I'm not gonna keepem it aint worth losing my wife of 16 years and everything else I care about over. the kids too stupid to comprehend that and understand ramifications of getting caught I do so I'm just not going to be able to sleep at night until I'm rid of that shit. and what pisses me off is I already had my 2 plants before finding these,these make it 4 sizeable plants and 4 rooted clones I'd be royally fucked if anybody says anything.....he thinks just because the lady that saw us is her mothers buddy she won't say anything. He doesn't have anyway of knowing that they can't force her to not call I on the other hand don't trust her at all and if I get rid of those two that he knows about He'll think I don't have anymore so he shouldn't be a problem beyond that But that lady could easily make a phone call he thinks just because the cops didn't show up tonight we're in the clear talk about Nieve...But since in his infinite stupidity he thinks and truely believes it'll keep growing and he knows I know and if he fucks me Ill in turn fuck him I doubt he does or says shit if anything do what he does best and steal them...but the woman his mothers buddy or not is a wildcard I'm not comfortable with
Are you absolutely sure she saw you with the plants? If she thinks they were marijuana plants she might call the police... she might not. If she does then the police will most likely just get a search warrent and come to your house. The best thing to do would be to get rid of them now. .... I would keep them. but thats just me.


Well-Known Member
Don't be stupid... toss them. If your neighbor saw you and they don't like it, they're going to fuck with you all the time now.


Well-Known Member
Id toss them to or move them outside away from your house it isn't worth it especially in texas where they give people life for weed.

And if the cops can see the plants from the outside they will come right in because its all the probable cause they need.


Well-Known Member
Run the plants down the garbage disposal or burn them up in your BBQ pit.
If you are in a bad state you could do time for them & that ain't worth it.
Long & short - get rid of them ASAP.
I did this... Such a sad thing.
I would get rid of them to be safe.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm neither but down here in Texas they haven't managed to get a medical marijuana law passed Yet............but the kid kept the flowered plant and wants to keep it hes potted it and everything and the idiot refuses to understand that once it's flowering it's finishing up not just starting dip shit has idiots telling him it'll continue to grow bud while simultaneously growing in size and heighth and the moron won't listen about photo periods either BUT hes gonna essentially be revegging it IF it survives that is I'd say it's probly a couple to little over a acouple weeks out from being done these other two haven't even shown sex yet and are roughly 3Ft tall already in May!!! so they'll need to be forced into flowering But I'm not gonna keepem it aint worth losing my wife of 16 years and everything else I care about over. the kids too stupid to comprehend that and understand ramifications of getting caught I do so I'm just not going to be able to sleep at night until I'm rid of that shit. and what pisses me off is I already had my 2 plants before finding these,these make it 4 sizeable plants and 4 rooted clones I'd be royally fucked if anybody says anything.....he thinks just because the lady that saw us is her mothers buddy she won't say anything. He doesn't have anyway of knowing that they can't force her to not call I on the other hand don't trust her at all and if I get rid of those two that he knows about He'll think I don't have anymore so he shouldn't be a problem beyond that But that lady could easily make a phone call he thinks just because the cops didn't show up tonight we're in the clear talk about Nieve...But since in his infinite stupidity he thinks and truely believes it'll keep growing and he knows I know and if he fucks me Ill in turn fuck him I doubt he does or says shit if anything do what he does best and steal them...but the woman his mothers buddy or not is a wildcard I'm not comfortable with

sounds like this is the least of your worries
i'm with fdd, hide your dog


Well-Known Member
In Texas?

Get rid of them and move to California.

Your freedom is at stake.

Murphy's Law is very much at play, here.

Been there, and it cost me $30k, and I got off cheap.