Need help please!


Well-Known Member
Its one of those many ways to skin a cat things. I keep my humidity at 40% all the way through flower with good results. Another great grower on here afghanking keeps his flower room at 35% through flower I believe with awrsome results.
thats what I love about growing.
I do that too, brother ... well lets say i used to do that ... mainly because I had to as I grow in a harsh climate where in the summer, my humidity doesnt even register lol ... in the winter it goes up a little thankfully.
This time around, i had this very similar issue that OP had ..and i never had it before (or at least to this degree and this early on!) .. yellowing amnesia lemon and halted bud growth (no new white pistils) even though she had another 5 to 6 weeks to go ... all 4 plants slowed down ... they even slowed down their water uptake almist to half what it used to be before....all other factors were the same (to previous runs) and within normal limits except for the humidity and temps ..... (amnesia lemon also was the highest sativa pheno in the groom ... i guess different plants requite different variables)..... with all the readings i did and some help from gentlemen on other forums, i realized that it had to have been humidity and temp out of the optimum VPD range. After fixing that issue, she stopped showing more deficiency and started fattening up again. And all other girls started drinking again!
Anyway .... this is not the place and time to argue over VPD humidity and temps etc .... trust me brother i would not have given such advice in flowering, unless I thought its at least worth considering .... it could be wrong and totally off and not the reason for his issue ... just worth considering if all other factors were the same.
Took me 2 weeks to realize and finally correct my issue. Will be dropping the humidity slowly now til i hit the low 40s to even 30s as im near harvesting my crop
Happy growing yall

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and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :