///need help please!


New Member
hey man I'm a noob too and this is my first grow that I am doing with CFLs and tubes where there is no way to ventilate. I'm not too worried about the heat buildup or anything yet, but I'm wondering how to get rid of the smell too and I had an idea I posted in another thread check it out. https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/476554-would-work.html Maybe this could help us both... idk.

Light 1 is a cool white around 3200k
Light 2 is a warm tube around 2700k
Light 3 is a CFL 100w eq warm color I believe 2700k
Light 4 is a CFL 60w eq Warm color i believe 2700k



Active Member
ok i dont think something as noisy an big as that extractor is an option for me since i cant put a hole in the wall to let it go outside, just how effective is ona gel? will the wardrobe being closed with the gel in it be enough or is the smell really that pungent?


Active Member
hey hypocrite maybe ill have to go with CFL's too since they seem easiest but if the more experienced guys could let me know how badly the production of bud will be affected by weak lighting that would be great i only expected to be able to get 5 ouncees but then again i dont know much... obviously the more the better :) will the heat from 1 250w HPS light really be that difficult to deal with in the wardrobe?

D Man420

Hey man, you know what will do you the largest favor. Go watch Jorge Cervantes Grow Guide. You can dl the whole movie through a torrent or you can probably watch it in parts on youtube. Seriously, check it out. Great when your first getting into the game. Eventually you'll figure out what works for you and you'll tweak and tune things. For your first harvest man, unless you veg for long enough. I wouldn't expect over 1oz per plant. When I first started growing that's all I yielded. Seems that most beginners average that.

To go with the wardrobe. Like someone said go get 2 "new" doors for the wardrobe and drill holes in them for ventilation and put the doors you can't drill holes in off to the side for now. If you get a cool tube, or some sort of air cooled reflector you may not have heat issues with a 400w. But for sure the air temp of the room needs to be low so the wardrobe doesn't overheat. Set your cool tube up and a fan coming in and a fan going out. That means 4 holes, two in each door. One hole up high to vent the closet out (attatch a carbon filter to this one do solve smell problems) one hole down low to pull cold air into the wardrobe, and you can put the other two anywhere, one in each door. One will vent from the room into the cool tube and the other is to exhaust the hot air from the cool tube out. But the fake doors and that type of ventilation system is so necessary. Without that kiss your idea goodbye, it'll get way too hot in there without good ventilation.

Good luck man.


New Member
that ona gel sounds pretty legit to me. I think thats what i will probably go with anyone know a site to get the best deal on it?


Active Member
im planning to use a 250w HPS bulb will that give off too much heat? what if i leave the closet open and a window cracked? should i just use flourescents to solve the heat problem altogether? i will watch that video thanks alot for your input d man!


Active Member
well i think ill use the HPS 250w an just leave the doors open and the raiator permanently off.. should be fine methinks


Well-Known Member
will be with the doors open for temps. the smell issue may prove a bit worse though. the 'ona' gel is pretty much recognised as the best available product but there will probably be more that are almost as effective. best of luck anyway mate. just ask if you need anymore help.


Active Member
cheers lads yee've been great, listen any opinions on "lemongrass oil" for smell masking? i found a thread on here about it and the chap seemed adamant it was better than ona gel


Active Member
also if you could give me some tips on yield and light cycles.. for example assuming all goes well and i get anything out of this whats the fastest way to get to harvest with a decent yield? im going on holiday in january and i need to harvest before then ideally if possible. also ive read of some ppl on here keeping the plant on a 12/12 cycle from the getgo, what difference does this make to the traditional 18/6 veg and 12/12 flower cycles? also will a cheap timer work with my 250w hps ballast?


Well-Known Member
the longer you veg the more the plant grows and therefore the bigger the yeild, its almost impossible to gauge yeild as each plant is totally unique, there are too many variables to make guessing accurate. veg as long as possible, this will depend on when you need to crop,what size your grow area is, coz the plants will double and sumtime treble in flower(keep that in mind). buy a digital timer as there less likely to fry out,the cheap segmental timer can be dodgy, ive fucked about 4 of them at least. if u go 12/12 from seed your yeild will be dramatically reduced, thats fine if ur growing lots of plants in a small area like say a scrog grow. from seed i give them 24/0 of light for a week, 3-4 weeks on 18/6 for veg, then 12/12 for 7-9 weeks in flower(u cant change this as its the plants life cycle, sum take as long as 11 weeks, thats usually sativas )i do know people that have tried experiments with strange light schedule but don't try it until you really know the basics, it'll just fuck with your head.


Active Member
100_1618.jpg100_1940.jpgCockbag you need to 100_1856.jpgdo a lot of reading ,1st you WILL have heat problems with that cabinet , You WILL have to vent ,You will have a smell issue .no getting around i100_1766.jpgt get ready for it at the begining ,i started witha 1000 w setup cooltube etc ,had to end up with an A/C for that grow ,Then i went to T5 light100_1315.jpgs same cabinet still got pretty warm now i have a grow room and use the caninet for veg only which works great here are some pics of the cabinet100_1526.jpg


Active Member
Thnx Dura an Cajun appreciate the input as always Dura ill look into a digital timer thank you and i think ill follow your light cycle exactly as you wrote it there no nee to rock the boat eh? Cajun im going to use a 250w hps an have an oscillating fan on at all time with the doors open, still think ill have heat problems? as for the smell what about lemongrass oil? im only doing 3 plants also thnx again for all your help and feedback lads!! (BTW Cajun thats an epic setup man nice job!)


Active Member
View attachment 1837670View attachment 1837669Cockbag you need to View attachment 1837668do a lot of reading ,1st you WILL have heat problems with that cabinet , You WILL have to vent ,You will have a smell issue .no getting around iView attachment 1837667t get ready for it at the begining ,i started witha 1000 w setup cooltube etc ,had to end up with an A/C for that grow ,Then i went to T5 lightView attachment 1837666s same cabinet still got pretty warm now i have a grow room and use the caninet for veg only which works great here are some pics of the cabinetView attachment 1837662
hey ma what did you mean you had to end up with a/c for that grow?


Well-Known Member
a/c - air conditioner, the yanks use them all the time especially in the warmer states down south. we dont tend to use them apart from in cars and larger biuldings, they can get quite expensive to run. u wont know your heat issues until you set it up and run it for a few days, just experiment till it get where you need it.


Active Member
100_1847.jpg100_1857.jpgYes that is what A/C means with the 1000w temps reached 100 some times so i vented and added fans and could not get it100_1914.jpg down to a growing temp ,so i bought a A/C unit for 150 bucks now this did cost more for Elect .but it did work and as you see in the picture it100_1827.jpg just vented straight into the garage . The grow with that light and venting system did good ,so the next grow was all T5 from start to finish.w100_1829.jpghich went well ,now this grow has been clones under T5 ,veg under T 5 and flower in my new flower room under 1000w and parbolic refector wich is100_1915.jpg going GREAT!the A/C was only used maybe 10 days during the veg period was able to keep temps down with the fans and vents Happy Farming ,Cajun100_1916.jpg


Active Member
One other thing the last grow and the current grow i am using tokengrow nutes ,it is a tea mixture which is kind of a one step process ,it is so easy and the plants really respond to it so go to the web page www.tokengrow.com and check it out "Cheap too'