Need help please!!!!


I'm a first time grower and need help identifying the sex of my plant. I'm pretty sure it's a male but then again i'm not sure. Here's a picture any help would be awesome!


Green Life

Gimme a picture of the stems, check for sacks. But from this picture, its looks like a male.. Keepp it as a house plant in another room!:D


Unnamed(5).jpgUnnamed(6).jpgThis is the other plant that is indoors is it female? with this one below

Unnamed.jpgI should destroy this one or move it to another room right? I have one other one that I have outside i'll post below female right? Would it hurt it to move it indoors?




Well-Known Member
why would you want the male.? do yo want seeds? because that would be the only reason to keep the male around, even if you take it somewhere elce, if you mess with it, you can carry pollin from the male plant on your hands and clothes and in turn pollinate all your females makeing them produce all their lil seeds


Well-Known Member
if they were all planted around the same time and ur one has aleady shown to be male, any other male plants whould have shown by now, its not 100% definite but a good rule of thumb is that males tend to show a week or 2 be4 females so id say if u dnt see ne balls on the other plants there female, different strains vary and flower at different times, which i say its not 100% definite


Well-Known Member
it shouldn't, just dont mess with a budding plant to much,...and dont make a rutine going in and out, changing the plants envrioment like that can be stressfull