Need help please!!!


this is my first time growing an im not sure wut im doin wrong!
there 4 weeks old im useing a 400wMH its about 68-72 degrees.
i change the watter every week im just not shure wut im doin wrong! if anyone has sum advice PLEASE let me know thanks.


Well-Known Member
Everything is way too wet.

Either you've been trying to feed nutrients to baby plants or your water quality is really terrible.

Your plants should be little shrubs by now.

It's not your light.

You should start over. Grow in soil your first time.
i havent feed them nutrients yet. an im usein distiled water ph is 5.8. should i olny be watering them 3 times a day? ive been watering them the whole time.

allen bud

Active Member
they look very over watered,i know with flood table you only wet the plant 2 to 3 times a day like dipping it in water let and let it run off ,useing net cups or somthing close


Well-Known Member
Ok. The problem is that the rockwool is far too wet. It's glistening, it's so wet. It retains plenty of water and if you get it that wet three times a day the roots are just drowning inside there. Or rotting. I don't really know about top feed systems, I use flood and drain. Your problem is too much water.

allen bud

Active Member
yea and for me rockwool stayed to wet and got moldy never rely dried and i got root rot and small plant lol real small ,iam a dirt kinda guy....