Need help please


Well-Known Member
Whoa buddy slow down lol. Im not saying the person is wrong but dont just go and buy the first thing someone suggests. Stick with one thing and dont get tripped up. Soil is more forgiving and is generally the way to go for beginners, if you fuck up in coco, the screw ups will show fast and hard. Start with one plant, with the light that you have, its not the best but it will do. Go with simple nutes, three part is the most you really want to go as more on top of that just gets confusing.
Take your time, make sure every decision you make feels right and that you researched it pretty well. Dont just take the first bit of advice and run with it, research other sources.
Thank you... so many different opinions...

This is what I was thinking.......
-2 plants in 5 gallon fabric pots
-Soil mix of happy frog 40 qts total
-Perlite mixed in, ratio 2 qts soil HF and 1qt perlite.
- coco coir 1/8th volume of soil, i will do this before adding perlite.
- add 2 tbs of dolomite per 5 gallons of mix
- then add recharge per instructions to mix
- then start seedlings in seed stater discs in cups and transplant after first 2 weeks...
- start feeding in week 3 and follow the trio feeding schedule but at 1/2 strength.
I have ph and ppm meter ordered and will use them once I learn how...

Did to money and time this is what I have to use... any advice on how to use this or if I'm screwing it up please let me know.... thanks everyone for their advice... I truly appreciate every reply I get and it's an honor that you are sharing your knowledge with me...


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend just sticking with soil. With the happy frog you probably won't have to check any ph or ppms or any of that, very easy. You most likely won't even need the ph adjuster. I haven't touched my ph once in 10 weeks of growth and everything is beautiful. You don't even need the foxfarm nutrients until the plants like 3 weeks old because happy frog has nutrients in it, and then you can start giving it 25-50% of the recommended feeding on the bottles. And water enough that 10% runs out of the bottom every time
What about adding the lime and coco to HF along with recharge... is it too much